WA Health websites

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Your search for 'food handling regulations' returned 50 results

Food allergen declarations - 62.51821


Resources on food allergen declaration requirements for local government environmental health officers / authorised officers

Assessment of businesses that manufacture food - 60.8367


This document provide assistance to authorised officers when determining the suitability of a proposal for the manufacture of food intended for sale in Australia.

CEO approved forms, guidelines and policies – Food Act 2008 - 58.60416


Under the Food Act 2008 (the Act), the Chief Executive Officer from the Department of Health approves particular policies, procedures and forms.

Home based food businesses - 51.23574


Home based food business must still ensure food for sale is safe and suitable and follow certain food laws in WA.

Food handlers and food safety - 49.97451


A food handler is a person who directly engages in the handling of food, or who handles surfaces likely to come into contact with food, for a food business.

Management of temporary and mobile food businesses - 49.24321


The following information provides a decision-making advisory tool that is designed to assist local government enforcement agencies and food businesses to understand the requirements applicable to temporary and mobile food businesses.

Starting a food manufacturing business - 48.7133


Understand food legislation requirements when starting a new food manufacturing business.

List of approved WA regulatory food safety auditors - 43.91843


Food safety auditors in Western Australia require certified approval from the Department of Health. Current, approved auditors are detailed on this list

Notification of prescribed pathogens by a food business - 43.74546


General information and guidance for food businesses and laboratories concerning their obligations prescribed within Part 4 of the Food Regulations 2009 – the notification and control of pathogens

Food - 43.37468


The following resources are designed to support local government Food Act authorised officers, food safety auditors, laboratories and analysts. Western Australians are protected under some of the most comprehensive food safety legislation in Australia with the implementation of the Food Act 2008 and Food Regulations 2009.

Cleaning and sanitising food premises and food equipment - 41.47405


This article discusses the effective cleaning and sanitising of food contact surfaces and utensils.

Food-borne disease outbreak investigation - 41.07559


In Western Australia, the identification, investigation and control of a food-borne disease outbreak requires the coordination and sharing of information between various government agencies, microbiological guidelines, enforcement agencies, food regulations

Environmental health acts and regulations - 40.92053


A list of Acts and Regulations administered by the Department of Health, with functions associated with local government and their authorised officers

Food safety management tools for food businesses - 40.6412


Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools will come into effect on 8 December 2023. The new regulatory measures introduce the requirement for certain categories of food businesses to have food safety supervisors, food handler training, and to substantiate food safety management processes.

Food safety management tools for environmental health practitioners - 40.20013


Standard 3.2.2A - Food Safety Management Tools was gazetted on the 8 December 2022 and are enforceable from the 8 December 2023. The new regulatory measures introduce mandatory food handler training, food safety supervisor requirements and evidence to substantiate food safety management of key processes for category one and category two food businesses.

Food temperature control - 38.62447


Potentially hazardous foods must be prepared, stored, displayed and transported at safe temperatures

Laboratories and analysts under the Food Act - 38.38962


The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Health may approve laboratories and analysts in accordance with Part 7 of the Food Act 2008 (the Act) for the purposes of carrying out analyses under the Act.

Irradiation of food - 38.36376


Food safety and legislative requirements on the irradiation of food

Cleaning and sanitising requirements for food businesses - 37.38607


Food businesses must keep utensils, equipment and food contact surfaces in a clean and sanitary condition.

Safe handling of raw egg products - 36.31976


To ensure food businesses are aware of the risks that should be managed when handling food products that contain raw eggs

Food Act 2008 (WA) fact sheets - 36.27224


Guidance on food legislative matters in Western Australia

Food safety supervisor training course - 36.25223


Standard 3.2.2A - Food Safety Management Tools will be enforceable from the 8 December 2023. The standard will require category one businesses to appoint food safety supervisors. Food safety supervisors must hold a certificate issued by a Registered Training Organisation within the past 5 years.

Food offenders - 35.59585


The publication of names of offenders list contains details of persons convicted in a court of law for breaches against food legislation in Western Australia.

Food Unit notices - 35.50024


Instruction on food legislative matters in Western Australia

Registration of a food business - 35.27901


Everything you need to know about where and how to register your food business in Western Australia, including a café, restaurant, shop, manufacturing food, cooking food from home, starting a mobile food van or fundraising event. This includes the process for registration with relevant enforcement agency being either a local government environmental health service or the Department of Health.

Food - 34.9706


All food businesses have a legal responsibility to make sure the food they sell to customers is safe.

Regulatory food safety auditing for enforcement agencies - 34.23566


Information for environmental health officers on the WA regulatory food safety auditing system and food safety programs

Food regulation system - 34.19787


The Australian and New Zealand joint food regulation system is designed to protect the health and safety of consumers. It is a complex system that involves all levels of the Australian and New Zealand governments. Different roles are undertaken by local, state and national government, and international obligations are respected.

New national food safety standards – stakeholder toolkit - 33.31871


Stakeholder toolkit to promote the new national food safety Standard 3.2.2A to food businesses.

Food – microbiological guidelines - 32.57275


Guidance on the microbiological examination of ready-to-eat food

Form requirements for the notification of food-borne pathogens - 32.36307


An approved form must be completed by a proprietor of a food business or the person in charge of a laboratory for the suspicion/isolation of pathogen from food, a person, premises, a vehicle or anything associated with the food business.

Food recalls - 32.14805


Information for authorised officers and food businesses on what constitutes a food recall, types of food recalls, roles and responsibilities when recalling food and the process of conducting a food recall

Food safety incidents - 31.62085


A food incident is a situation within the food supply chain where there is a possible or confirmed risk associated with the consumption of a food.

Importing and exporting food - 31.59801


Importing and exporting food products into and out of Western Australia or Australia

Food business risk classification - 31.44213


The Western Australian (WA) Food Business Risk Classification System provides guidance to WA local government Food Act 2008 (Food Act) enforcement agencies on determining appropriate frequencies for food regulatory compliance assessments.

Food safety posters and stickers - 30.72576


A range of food posters and stickers are available for food businesses to display in and around a business to encourage safe food handling.

Food allergen declarations for food businesses - 29.43641


Food allergen information for food businesses including general food service, hospitals and healthcare, camps, childcare and schools.

Regulatory food safety auditing for auditors - 29.3974


Information for regulatory food safety auditors about the WA regulatory food safety auditing system

New national standards for some food businesses from 8 December 2023 - 29.1667


New standards have been introduced nationally by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to improve food safety and prevent foodborne illness in the community.

Enteric infection reports and publications (OzFoodNet) - 28.97428


Reports describing enteric disease surveillance activitiess carried out by OzFoodNet WA, part of the Communicable Disease Control Directorate of WA Health.

Starting a food business in WA - 27.90412


Everything you need to know about starting or registering a food business in Western Australia, including a café, restaurant, shop, manufacturing food, cooking food from home, starting a mobile food van or fundraising event. This includes the process for registration with local government environmental health services, design and fit our requirements for a premises, fees, penalties and fines.

Play it Food Safe campaign - 27.49054


Awareness campaign about the prevalence of food poisoning in the home and reducing the number of foodborne illness cases in Western Australia.

Review of the Food Act 2008 - 26.7485


The Department of Health is conducting a review of the Food Act 2008 (the Act). This involves asking stakeholders for input on whether the objects of the Act are being met and if it is operating effectively.

Mobile food business centralised register – now LIVE! - 26.6713


Information for Food Act 2008 enforcement agencies and authorised officers on the WA Temporary mobile food business centralised register

Food premises design and construction - 26.61101


The Australian Standard 4674-2004: Construction and fit out of food premises provides a 'best practice' guide to fit-out and construction.

Safe Handling of Eggs and Products Containing Eggs - 26.35869


The Department of Health has developed a number of documents associated with the implementation of Regulatory Guideline No.5 - The preparation of raw egg-based product-consistent approach to be adopted by enforcement agencies