Western Australian Medicines Evaluation Panel (WAMEP)

The Western Australian Medicines Evaluation Panel (WAMEP), previously known as WADEP, is a multidisciplinary body that governs the Statewide Medicines Formulary (SMF) decisions.

The purpose of the SMF is to promote and facilitate the delivery of optimal patient outcomes through a single and equitable list of approved medicines which can be initiated across the WA health system. The SMF is evaluated, implemented and managed in a systemwide approach with expert review by WAMEP.

WAMEP considers the clinical efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness, equity of access and implementation implications of medicines for SMF listing. The Panel works closely with hospital and regional Drug and Therapeutics Committees (DTCs)/Medicines and Therapeutics Committees (MTCs), lead clinicians, expert advisors, pharmacy departments and those making applications to the SMF to facilitate a robust, fair and transparent evaluation process.

WAMEP membership and terms of reference

WAMEP membership includes (but is not limited to), senior medical practitioners, senior nurses, senior pharmacists, Department of Health and consumer representatives.

WAMEP may establish a network of corresponding members for specialist expertise and advice as required. Details can be found in the Terms of Reference.

Clinicians interested in joining WAMEP can express their interest by emailing the Formulary Management Team at WAMEP@health.wa.gov.au.

More information

Medicines and Technology Unit
Patient Safety and Clinical Quality,
Clinical Excellence Division
Address: Level 3, GPO Building
3 Forrest Place Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 6373 2218
Email: WAMEP@health.wa.gov.au

Last reviewed: 01-08-2024
Produced by

Patient Safety and Clinical Quality