Western Australian Therapeutics Advisory Group (WATAG)

The Western Australian Therapeutics Advisory Group (WATAG) promotes rational therapeutic drug use and provides independent advice to health professionals and health services on issues relating to the use of drugs and therapeutics in Western Australian public hospitals and the wider community.

WATAG has representation on the Council for Australia Therapeutic Advisory Groups (CATAG). The function of CATAG is to enable interjurisdictional communication, information sharing and collaboration to develop nationally consistent positions that promote the optimum use of medicines in hospitals.

The WATAG subcommittees include:

Critical Medicines List

The WA Critical Medicines List (CML) provides a general indication of availability of critical medicines across WA hospitals. For more information about actual stock at any time, and access to stock in emergency situations, please contact the individual site.

Further information is currently available on Formulary One (external site) under ‘Useful Links and Contacts’  public hospital access only.

Clinical guidelines and advisory notes

More information

Medicines and Technology Unit
Patient Safety and Clinical Quality,
Clinical Excellence Division
Level 3, GPO Building
3 Forrest Place Perth WA 6000

Last reviewed: 29-01-2021