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MP 0019/16 - Development of Primary and Subsidiary Legislation Policy

Effective: 7 December 2021

This policy provides that all proposals for the development or amendment of primary or subsidiary legislation on behalf of the Minister for Health are to be submitted to Legal and Legislative Services for coordination at an early stage using the Request for Legal Advice Form.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0021/16 - Medical Indemnity - Salaried Medical Officers and Non-salaried Medical Practitioners Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

This mandatory policy is to ensure that all matters relating to the application of the terms and conditions of contractual medical indemnities are referred to Legal and Legislative Services.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0018/16 - Commercial Activities Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

This mandatory policy is to ensure that HSPs seek legal advice prior to engaging in a Commercial Activity pursuant to section 35 of the Health Services Act 2016.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0023/16 - Obtaining Legal Advice Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

The purpose of this policy is to outline the process to be followed by WA health entities (Health Service Providers and Department of Health) for obtaining legal advice.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0161/21 - Procurement and Contract Management Policy

Effective: 1 November 2022

This Policy sets out the minimum process, documentation and governance requirements for procurement and contract management activities undertaken by WA health entities. WA health entities must conduct procurement and contract management activities to the highest standards of integrity, probity and accountability.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0004/16 - Procurement Development and Management System Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

WA health system entities are required to maintain procurement and contracts records under a range of legislated and State policy requirements including the State Records Act 2000, and General Procurement Direction: 2021/01 – Western Australian Procurement Rules issued by the Minister for Finance under section 21 of the Procurement Act 2020 (WA).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0079/18 - Engagement of Medical Practitioners under Contracts for Services Policy

Effective: 14 February 2018

This policy regulates and ensures uniform terms of engagement, by Health Service Providers, of Contracted Medical Practitioners to provide medical services to public patients admitted to a public health care facility.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0005/16 - Grants Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

Grants are financial assistance arrangements paid to non-State Government entities to assist them to carry out activities that drive outcomes aligned with the WA health system’s strategic intent.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0047/17 - Sponsorship Policy

Effective: 1 March 2017

This Policy aims to ensure that WA health system entities entering into a sponsorship arrangement do so in a manner that achieves value for money and is consistent with the goals and objectives of the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0017/16 - WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy

Effective: 14 February 2017

The objectives of this Policy are to: Provide consistent and standard air travel procurement practices across WA Health that ensure transparency, streamline and standardise processes and reduce the cost of travel across WA Health, ensure the travel provides benefits to the WA Health system, provide adequate control over, and accountability for, air travel and associated travel expenditure and ensure adequate public disclosure of the full cost of air travel undertaken by WA Health employees.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0075/17 - Health Executive Policy

Effective: 11 December 2017

The Health Services Act 2016 establishes the Health Executive Service (HES). The HES comprises persons holding offices that are the subject of a written determination by the Director General (health executives) and the Chief Executives of health service providers (CEs).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0097/18 - Aboriginal Workforce Policy

Effective: 22 November 2018

The purpose of the Aboriginal Workforce Policy is to increase representation of Aboriginal people at all levels of the workforce to improve Aboriginal health outcomes and achieve the Aboriginal employment target of 3.2% by 2026.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

Criminal Record Screening Policy and Guidelines

Effective: 31 March 2010

The WA Health Criminal Record Screening Policy and Guidelines were developed in consultation with key stakeholders across Health.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0033/16 - Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

The purpose of the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy (Policy) is to provide a consistent approach across the WA health system by outlining the minimum requirements and responsibilities of the Department of Health and Health Service Providers (WA health system entities), for recruitment, selection and appointment processes. The WA health system has a commitment to promoting equity and diversity in its workforce and has identified Aboriginal people as a priority diversity group.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0048/17 - Centralised Intern Application and Allocation Policy

Effective: 7 February 2022

The PMCWA coordinates the centralised intern application process in Western Australia

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0044/17 - Clinical Academic Funding Policy

Effective: 4 January 2017

Clinical Academics make a significant contribution to teaching and training doctors, conducting research, and providing clinical services which is vital in maintaining the high standard of health care provided to the community.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0065/17 - Aboriginal Cultural eLearning Policy

Effective: 6 September 2017

The purpose of the Aboriginal Cultural eLearning Policy is to build the cultural knowledge of the WA health system workforce and strengthen its capacity to provide culturally respectful and non-discriminatory healthcare

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0182/24 - Transition of Fixed Term Senior Practitioners to Permanency Policy

Effective: 2 April 2024

Consistent with registration of the WA Health System – Medical Practitioners – AMA Industrial Agreement 2022 in the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, WA Health is committed to supporting permanent employment for senior practitioners within the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0100/18 - Management of Accrued Leave Policy

Effective: 22 November 2018

The Management of Accrued Leave Policy has been developed in response to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Public Sector Labour Relations Policy Statement - Management of Accrued Leave in the Public Sector (DMIRS Policy Statement).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0025/16 - Industrial Relations Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

The Industrial Relations Policy (policy) sets out the requirements for delivering an effective and consistent approach to industrial relations across the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0123/19 - Salary Packaging Policy

Effective: 28 October 2019

Salary Packaging Policy

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0041/16 - Managing Unsatisfactory and Substandard Performance Policy with Explanatory Notes, PIP and Template Letters

Effective: 2 December 2016

The Managing Unsatisfactory and Substandard Performance Policy (Policy) is part of the Employment Policy Framework issued by the Department CEO pursuant to section 26 of the Health Services Act 2016 (HSA).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0051/17 - Language Services Policy

Effective: 3 April 2017

The WA health system is committed to providing high quality, safe and accessible health care to all Western Australians who may need language assistance when using WA health system services. This includes those who cannot effectively communicate in written and/or spoken standard Australian English (Standard English) such as some Aboriginal people, some people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people who are Deaf or hard of hearing who communicate in Auslan.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0170/21 - Emergency Management Policy

Effective: 22 October 2021

The Emergency Management Policy sets the minimum standards to ensure that a clear, consistent and comprehensive approach to emergency management is undertaken across the WA health system. This policy requires that Health Service Providers have arrangements in place to respond appropriately in an Emergency. This policy supersedes MP 0073/17 Emergency Management Policy, IC 0170/13 Training Requirements for Hospital Response Teams and Emergency Management Personnel and OD 0595/15 Business Continuity Management.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0038/16 - Insertion and Management of Peripheral Intravenous Cannulae in Healthcare Facilities Policy

Effective: 11 October 2022

The Insertion and Management of Peripheral Intravenous Cannulae in Healthcare Facilities Policy describes the mandatory requirements to minimise the risk of infection to patients associated with the insertion of peripheral intravenous cannulae (PIVC).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0129/20 - Release of Human Tissue and Explanted Medical Devices Policy

Effective: 28 January 2020

This Policy sets out the minimum requirements for responding to requests for the release of human tissue or an implantable medical device that has been removed (explanted) from an individual’s body. Human tissue in the context of this Policy includes a human fetus or placenta. This Policy supersedes OD 0398/12 Release of Human Tissue and Explanted Medical Devices.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0136/20 - Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Policy

Effective: 27 May 2020

To ensure a consistent approach to the integrity governance and risks associated with gifts, benefits and hospitality offered to Department of Health employees and Health Service Provider staff members, and to ensure the effective governance of offered gifts, benefits and hospitality. The Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy specifies the principles and minimum requirements with which WA health system entities must comply and includes the monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0115/19 - Outcome Based Management Policy

Effective: 9 September 2022

The Outcome Based Management (OBM) Framework is a Department of Treasury mandatory requirement for all State Government Agencies. The OBM Framework describes how outcomes, services and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to measure WA health system performance. The OBM KPIs measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the services delivered against agreed State Government priorities and desired outcomes.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0077/18 - Statewide Medicines Formulary Policy

Effective: 31 January 2018

The purpose of the Statewide Medicines Formulary Policy is to specify the clinical governance, safety and quality requirements in relation to the initiation of prescribed medicines to ensure effective, equitable and consistent clinical care is provided across the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0093/18 - Access to Public Maternity Services for Privately Practising Endorsed Midwives Policy

Effective: 27 September 2018

The Access to Public Maternity Services for Privately Practising Endorsed Midwives Policy (the policy) sets out mandatory requirements to support safe, high-quality, continuity of maternity care within the WA public health system by enabling Privately Practising Endorsed Midwives (PPEMs) to access public maternity services through a Licensing Agreement to deliver maternity services to their private clients.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0095/18 - Clinical Handover Policy

Effective: 18 October 2018

Clinical handover is an explicit transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional group on a temporary or permanent basis.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0072/17 - Health Technology Governance Policy

Effective: 3 February 2021

The Health Technology Governance Policy is a statewide framework for the introduction of health technologies and associated review of existing health technologies used within the WA public health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0084/18 - Credentialing and Defining the Scope of Clinical Practice Policy

Effective: 10 October 2018

The purpose of this policy is to ensure health professionals are credentialed and have a defined scope of clinical practice to support safe and high quality health care within the Western Australian public health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0076/18 - Cardiotocography (CTG) Monitoring Policy

Effective: 10 January 2018

The purpose of the Cardiotocography Monitoring Policy (policy) is to mandate minimum requirements for cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring and interpretation of CTGs, and staff education for Health Service Providers that provide maternity services.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0078/18 - Medication Chart Policy

Effective: 31 March 2023

The Medication Chart Policy (Policy) mandates the implementation of a suite of standardised medication charts for prescribing and administering medications for inpatient care.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0080/18 - Assistant in Nursing Policy

Effective: 4 April 2018

The purpose of this policy is to ensure Health Service Providers engage and employ Assistants in Nursing with the right qualification, skills and competence to provide safe, high quality health care.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0053/17 - Patient Alert Policy

Effective: 14 June 2017

The Patient Alert Policy (the policy) mandates a standardised process for communicating patient alerts across the WA health system using the PAS (Patient Administration System), for example webPAS. A patient alert is a diagnosis which has the potential to be of critical importance to a patient’s management during their episode of care, especially during the first 24 hours, and assumes that the patient is not always capable of communicating such information.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0122/19 - Clinical Incident Management Policy

Effective: 1 November 2019

The purpose of the Clinical Incident Management (CIM) Policy (the policy) is to ensure WA health entities implement consistent and accountable processes and systems for the management of clinical incidents across the WA health system. The policy aims to prevent harm to patients and consumers, improve patient safety and support consumers and staff when a clinical incident occurs.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0144/20 - Information Retention and Disposal Policy

Effective: 1 December 2020

The Information Retention and Disposal Policy (the policy) mandates retention and disposal requirements for information held within the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0146/20 - Information Classification Policy

Effective: 4 December 2020

The purpose of the Information Classification policy is to provide a consistent approach for the classification of information by outlining the minimum requirements and responsibilities of WA health entities.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0015/16 - Information Access, Use and Disclosure Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

The purpose of the Information Access, Use and Disclosure Policy is to facilitate lawful and appropriate information access, use and disclosure by the WA health system. The policy supports the realisation of the WA health system’s vision of a sustainable health system that delivers safe, high quality health care to all Western Australians.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0099/18 - Community Mental Health Status Assessments: Role of Mental Health Clinicians Policy

Effective: 17 June 2021

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all mental health assessments undertaken in the community are conducted by mental health clinicians where it is safe to do so.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0062/17 - Alcohol and Other Drug Withdrawal Management Policy

Effective: 28 June 2021

The purpose of the policy is to ensure that those requiring Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) withdrawal treatment receive timely clinical care, including activating appropriate referral pathways where required.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0165/21 - Use of Physical and/or Mechanical Restraint during Road-based Transportation of Mental Health Patients Policy

Effective: 30 June 2021

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to Transport Officers executing transport orders made under the Mental Health Act 2014 (MHA 2014) when the use of physical and/or mechanical restraint for mental health consumers during road-based transportation may be required.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0155/21 - State-wide Standardised Clinical Documentation for Mental Health Services

Effective: 9 August 2021

This Policy mandates the use of Statewide Standardised Clinical Documentation for all Western Australian public mental health services to document clinical care,

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0012/16 - Mental Health Consumers Who Are Missing or Absent Without Leave Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

This policy establishes the minimum requirements to: • reduce the risk of a mental health consumer becoming absent without leave (AWOL) or a missing person • ensure the safety of mental health consumers who are missing or AWOL • ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 2014 (MHA 2014).

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0063/17 - Road-Based Transportation for Mental Health Consumers Policy

Effective: 9 August 2017

This policy sets out the mandatory requirements for the road-based transportation of referred, detained or involuntary mental health consumers. Road-based transportation includes transports between hospitals, from home to hospital and from the community to hospital. The policy aims to ensure consistency and assist Health Service Providers to implement provisions within the Mental Health Act 2014.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0007/16 - WA Health Compliance Management Policy

Effective: 1 July 2016

A policy to ensure consistency in compliance management throughout the WA health system.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0006/16 - Risk Management Policy

Effective: 1 October 2019

The WA health system is committed to the management of its risks including those associated with the activities it performs, those inherent in its operations and others by which it may be adversely affected. This includes prudently conducting risk assessment processes to identify, analyse, evaluate and treat risks and being able to demonstrate the management of risks.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks

MP 0049/17 - Water Immersion During Labour and Birth Policy

Effective: 3 April 2017

The Water Immersion During Labour and Birth Policy (the policy) establishes the clinical practices and requirements to ensure the safe care of women and their unborn/newborn babies when water immersion is chosen during labour and birth.

Source: Department of Health - Policy Frameworks