Grants, Esoteric Arrangements and Sponsorships Policy

Applicable to: This policy is applicable to WA health entities.

Description: The Grants, Esoteric Arrangements and Sponsorships Policy (this policy) establishes the minimum governance processes and documentation requirements that apply when WA health entities establish and/or manage agreements relating to Grants and other Esoteric Arrangements, including Sponsorships (collectively referred to as GEAS).

WA health entities must conduct activities to the highest standards of integrity, probity and accountability. This policy supports WA health entities to uphold impartiality, accountability and transparency when managing GEAS, in conjunction with the obligations of the:

The policy is to be read in conjunction with:

This policy is a mandatory requirement for Health Service Providers under the Procurement Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(d) of the Health Services Act 2016.

This policy is also a mandatory requirement for the Department of Health pursuant to section 29 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

This policy supersedes MP 0047/17 Sponsorship Policy.

Date of effect: 01 July 2016

Policy Framework

Supporting information