Centralised Intern Application Policy
MP 0048/17 - Centralised Intern Application Policy (pdf 161KB)
Applicable to: This policy is applicable to all Health Service Providers who are accredited as a PEHS.
Description: The purpose of the Centralised Intern Application Policy (this policy) is to ensure a consistent approach when offering medical intern positions to Commonwealth-funded medical students graduating from Western Australian (WA) medical schools and other eligible medical graduates as outlined in the WA Intern Priority Categories.
This policy aligns with the 2006 Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreement which outlines that Australian States and Territories must guarantee to provide high-quality clinical placements and intern training for Commonwealth-funded medical students.
The Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia (PMCWA), a Ministerial Council established under section 11 of the Health Legislation Administration Act 1984, is responsible in cooperation with the System Manager, WA health for ensuring this guarantee is met for the WA health system.
To ensure a consistent approach and timely processing of applications and appointments to intern positions, the PMCWA coordinates the centralised intern application process in WA, in collaboration with the Primary Employing Health Services (PEHS) who are accredited to employ and train interns, and with other Postgraduate Medical Councils across Australia.
PMCWA participates with other Australian jurisdictions in the National Medical Intern Data Management Working Group. This Working Group oversees the national Audit of Applications and the national Audit of Internship Acceptances audits, the Late Vacancy Management Process (LVMP) and identifies agreed dates for the national centralised intern application process.
The national Audit of Applications and the national Audit of Internship Acceptances are both managed by the Health Education and Training Institute, on behalf of the Health Chief Executives Forum and the Health Workforce Taskforce. Central monitoring and coordination ensure all eligible interns are placed, multiple acceptances are resolved, and all national intern places are filled.
This policy is a mandatory requirement for Health Service Providers (HSPs) under the Employment Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(f) of the Health Services Act 2016.
Date of effect: 28 February 2017
Policy Framework
Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia. (2025 for 2026 Intern recruitment). Centralised Intern Application Process. Available on request from pmcwa@health.wa.gov.au
Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia. (2025 for 2026 Intern recruitment) WA Intern Priority Categories
Council of Australian Governments. (2006). Council of Australian Governments Meeting 14 July 2006 Communique. Section: Health Workforce, Strengthening the Health Workforce
Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia. (2025 for 2026 Intern recruitment). Intern Application Guide. Available on request from pmcwa@health.wa.gov.au