7 October 2014

WA Clinical Training

WA Clinical Training provides support for the provision of simulation-based learning equipment and training environments for health professions in WA.

This simulation-based guidance aids the development of appropriate consultation structures that facilitate the engagement of staff and key stakeholders in workforce planning processes, and aids simulation initiatives being fully integrated into service delivery.

Quality clinical simulation learning environments and research are being established to meet the supply needs of the WA health simulation workforce.

The WA Simulated Learning Environments Lead monitors the statewide provision of simulation learning resources across professions, disciplines and across sectors, in line with strategies identified in the Health Simulation Training Strategy (HSTS).

Opportunities for sharing online information and expertise on simulation training within public, private and tertiary education settings throughout WA are being advanced and include the Department of Health statewide simulated-based online ClinSimWA (external site).

We aim to:

  • increase collaboration and expand WA’s capacity for simulation and interprofessional learning
  • provide support and expertise for simulation learning across the healthcare sector for Western Australia
  • expand and strengthen partnerships between public, non-government and private sectors.

Why do we need simulation learning?

Healthcare simulations are an essential part of modern clinical education and training. They improve the quality of training and provide significant safety and cost-efficiency benefits to healthcare.

The principle that trainees should practise on simulated patients before treating actual patients is now well accepted by all health professions.

There will be an increasing role for simulation training across health professions in Western Australia in coming years.


This project was possible due to funding by Health Workforce Australia as an Australian Government Initiative. Health Workforce Australia’s work is now a part of the Department of Health (Commonwealth).

Produced by

Health Networks