Outbreaks and incident management
Outbreaks and incident management
Local government environmental health professionals are responsible for assisting the Department of Health with the investigation of certain diseases, outbreaks and other incidents.
The identification, investigation and control of disease outbreaks and other incidences may require the coordination and sharing of information between various government agencies including:
- Local Governments
- Environmental Health Directorate and Communicable Disease Control Directorate, WA Department of Health
- Population Health Units, North, South or East Metropolitan Health Service, or the WA Country Health Services, WA Department of Health
- PathWest
All government agencies work together during outbreak investigations, collecting and sharing information to identify, investigate, control and prevent the continuance and where possible the recurrence of an outbreak or incident.
Common disease investigations, outbreaks and incidents that may require local government involvement
Last reviewed: 28-10-2020
Produced by
Environmental Health Directorate