Chronic Disease Prevention

Chronic disease – such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers and respiratory diseases – are the leading cause of death in Australia.

Many of these deaths are avoidable, leading to the establishment of the Chronic Disease Prevention Directorate which works proactively to develop and promote state and national strategies to prevent chronic disease and injury.

Taking a population-wide perspective, we focus on encouraging healthy behaviours in people who are well in addition to those at risk of developing chronic disease or injury, as a consequence of risky lifestyle behaviours.

Health promotion places a particular focus on:

  • tobacco 
  • nutrition
  • physical activity
  • obesity
  • injury.

We work with partners in WA Health, across Government and in the not-for-profit sector, to encourage healthy behaviours in our communities in the areas of:

  • community development 
  • creating environments for living, working and relaxing which support healthy behaviours 
  • economic interventions 
  • legislation and regulation 
  • raising public awareness and engagement 
  • strategic coordination, building partnerships and capacity building
  • targeted interventions 
  • development of healthy policy at government and organisation level.

The Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Prevention Directorate (CDPD) has produced a report that maps policies, plans and projects being implemented by other WA government departments and agencies that will help to reduce preventable chronic disease and injury and promote health and wellbeing

CDPD has also developed a webpage with a range of practical ideas, guides, tools and resources for local governments of all sizes that would like to do more to promote healthy, injury-free lifestyles in their area.

For support and information about healthy lifestyles for you and your family, visit our consumer website (HealthyWA).

Our strategy
Research and evaluation
Our policies
Health Promotion Directory
Last reviewed: 30-05-2023
Produced by

Chronic Disease Prevention Directorate