Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy
MP 0125/19 - Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy (pdf 214KB)
Applicable to: This policy is applicable to all health service providers.
Description: The MP 0125/19 Notifiable and Reportable Conduct Policy (policy) sets the minimum requirements for recording, reporting and managing notifiable and reportable conduct, and is intended for:
- the protection and safety of patients, staff members and others
- the protection of the broader WA Health system
- the identification of integrity related risks
- protecting reputational excellence
- maintaining the confidence of the community
- considering and supporting the broader public interest
- supporting the principles of procedural fairness.
The aim of this policy is to ensure a consistent approach across health service providers in relation to conduct that is notifiable or reportable. For the purpose of this policy, notifiable and reportable conduct includes conduct by a staff member that:
- is suspected on reasonable grounds to constitute or may constitute professional misconduct or unsatisfactory professional performance by registered health practitioners – as defined in Schedule Part 1, section 5 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Act 2010 (National Law)
- relates to mandatory notifications to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) under the National Law
- involves all suspected criminal offences
- involves a charge for a serious offence
- involves a breach of discipline
- involves suspected minor or serious misconduct as defined in accordance with section 4 of the Corruption, Crime and Misconduct Act 2003 (CCM Act)
- involves a matter reportable to the Ombudsman under Division 3B the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971.
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
This policy is a mandatory requirement for Health Service Providers under the Integrity Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(I) of Health Services Act 2016 (HS Act) and in accordance with the Department CEO’s functions under sections 20(1)(I) and (o) of the HS Act.
Date of effect: 31 October 2019
Policy Framework
Reporting-Conduct-Form (DOCX 60KB)
Notifiable-and-Reportable-Conduct-Guide (pdf 1MB)
Notifying Misconduct - A Guide for Principal Officers of Notifying Authorities, a joint CCC/PSC publication, August 2018.
AHPRA and National Boards, Regulatory Guide, June 2020