26 June 2019

Public submissions open on Climate Health WA Inquiry

Western Australians are being encouraged to provide input into the Climate Health WA Inquiry, with the public submission period open via an online survey.

The statutory Inquiry is one of the key priorities within the Sustainable Health Review Final Report.

The Inquiry will aim to strengthen how communities and health services address key climate change vulnerabilities, and make preparations to reduce harmful health impacts for Western Australians.

Members of the public are asked to address at least one of the Terms of Reference.

Throughout the public submission period, there will be an opportunity for the community to attend public information sessions held in regional and metropolitan areas.

There are alternative methods to lodge public submissions for consideration via email or post.

The public submission period closes on 30 August 2019, and a final report, including findings and recommendations, will be delivered to the Minister for Health by March 2020.

Further information regarding the Inquiry, the planned public information sessions and online survey are available on the Department of Health’s website at health.wa.gov.au/climatehealthwa


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