WA Virtual Emergency Department

The WA Virtual Emergency Department (WAVED) gives people the option of receiving urgent medical care virtually (via telehealth) in the comfort of their own home, when safe and appropriate, rather than waiting in an emergency department (ED). By providing clinically appropriate alternative care options, WAVED will help alleviate pressures on the Western Australian public health system including the use of ambulances and EDs.

Currently, WAVED is available within the Perth metropolitan area, where an ambulance has been requested via 000 for a lower urgency condition. Using telehealth technology, WAVED specialist ED physicians provide assessment, clinical advice and where required, electronic prescriptions and referral to appropriate healthcare services.

General public

When a St John WA (SJWA) ambulance crew attends a triple zero (000) call-out, they may determine that the patient is suitable for a virtual (telehealth) assessment by an ED physician, rather than being immediately transported to a physical ED. When this occurs, the SJWA crew will initiate a referral to WAVED and assist the patient to participate in a virtual consultation using a SJWA device.

Depending on their individual healthcare needs, the patient may be provided with clinical advice, electronic prescription and/or referral to services that will support their care in the community. If the WAVED ED physician determines that the patient needs to attend a physical ED, this will be coordinated by the SJWA ambulance crew.

The WAVED service is available to patients 16 years and over with lower urgency conditions.

Residential aged care

Residents in Perth metropolitan residential aged care facilities are being prioritised initially for the WAVED program because the research shows that frail older people are more likely to experience harm from a hospital visit, and existing referral pathways and structures to support these patients are already in place.

Consultation with residential aged care providers and a consumer reference group is ongoing. Feedback is being used to inform the WAVED service, key project deliverables and to enhance ongoing communication with stakeholders.

Information about WAVED will be communicated in several ways including via the residential aged care facilities and St John WA staff to residents, their families, carers and staff.


Feedback on your experience with WAVED (as a patient, family member, carer or aged care staff member) is welcomed to assist with continued service improvement.

Feedback can be provided through an online WAVED survey (external site).

Project enquiries: DOH.WAVED@health.wa.gov.au

Operational enquiries: WAVEDEnquiries@health.wa.gov.au

Project updates

Phased implementation

WAVED was launched in September 2023 as a ‘proof of concept’ and is being implemented in a phased approach to enable the consistent delivery of safe and high-quality patient care.

Currently, suitable patients who may not need to attend a physical ED are proactively identified by St John WA paramedics. Over time, the service will expand to other patient groups and to accept direct referrals from healthcare and aged care providers.

Last reviewed: 22-04-2024