Public submissions

The Climate Health WA Inquiry invited written submissions from individuals and organisations between 24 June to 30 August 2019.

A total of 158 written submissions were received; 70 from individuals and 88 from organisations via the Department of Health’s online consultation portal, email and the post.

The submissions, as part of the broader public consultation process, will be used to inform the Inquiry’s final report to the Minister, due in March 2020.

View the Climate Health WA Inquiry written submissions report (PDF 176KB).

Individuals and organisations listed below have given consent to publish their written submission.



Publication process

The views, thoughts, and options expressed in the public submissions belong solely to the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect those of the Climate Health WA Inquiry, the Department of Health, the Minister for Health and the State of Western Australia.

A submission has been identified as 'Anonymous' where the contributor has asked that their name not be published.

The Inquiry retains the right not to publish responses at its discretion, and will not place on the website, or make available to the public, content or responses that contain inappropriate material. Prior to publication, the Inquiry has removed personally identifying information from responses for privacy (such as addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers).