WA Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015–2030
Aboriginal Cultural Learning Plan
Aboriginal workforce
The WA Health Aboriginal Workforce Strategy 2014-2024 has been rescinded and is superseded by the WA Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015-20230 – Strategic Direction 5.
Aboriginal Health Impact Statement and Declaration for WA Health
Department of Health and Health Service Provider staff can access the new ISD eForm (external site) online.
Outcomes Framework for Aboriginal Health 2020-2030
Western Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2017 Report
The Western Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2017 Report (external site) presents the latest information on how Aboriginal people in Western Australia are faring according to 68 Aboriginal health performance measures of the Health Status and Outcomes, Determinants of Health, and Health System Performance. Indicators are based on the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2017.
Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Traditional Ownership
For the guidelines and policy for 'Welcome to Country' and acknowledgement of traditional ownership at Department of Health meetings, conferences and official events refer to Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Traditional Ownership – Guidelines and Protocols for WA Health 2016 (PDF 903KB) (external site).
Aboriginal Cultural Respect Framework
Understanding Institutionalised Racism
Aboriginal Patient Experience
Aboriginal Patient Take Own Leave
Access to hospital procedures
Last reviewed: 06-05-2020
Produced by
Aboriginal Health