WBA Programs at WA Health

WA Health provides workplace-based assessment programs at:

WA Health WBA programs run for 12 months, usually starting in January of each year. Successful candidates will receive a 12-month employment contract to complete the program which gives candidates an opportunity to enhance their skills in the clinical areas that they are assessed in to achieve AMC accreditation:  emergency medicine, adult surgery, adult medicine, paediatrics, women’s health, and mental health. 

Each Program may have additional requirements to be considered suitable for WBA. Please visit the relevant hospital’s WBA webpage via links above for more information.

*There are limited positions for the WBA programs at Armadale Hospital, Rockingham General Hospital and Peel Health Campus.  IMGs without prior experience working in the WA health care system will also need to successfully complete 6-16 weeks of unpaid observership to be eligible for entry into a WBA program. Interested IMGs are encouraged to contact the respective hospitals for further information.

IMG Observership Programs – Armadale Health Service and Rockingham General Hospital only

IMGs without prior experience working in the WA healthcare system will need to successfully complete an observership program before being considered for a WBA Program. Expressions of Interest for the IMG Observership Programs are advertised on MedCareersWA (external site). Candidates who successfully complete the requirements of the observership program may be invited to undertake a 12-month Workplace Based Assessment. Completion of an unpaid observership program is not a guarantee to entry in a WBA Program.

More information on WA Health’s WBA Programs

WBA Candidates are required to pay a fee which helps cover administration costs of the Program. This fee is currently $12,500 for all WA Health WBA Programs.

Each hospital WBA Program has dedicated staff to support the program. Each IMG candidate is allocated a primary clinical supervisor from their commencement in the WBA Program to the conclusion.  From the commencement of the program, candidates will be able to access a wide range of resources to assist them, including a comprehensive Candidate Guide. As part of their orientation, Candidate will complete a learning and assessment plan to help understand their learning needs and plan for assessments.

Assessment Types

All WBA programs are accredited through the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and there are clearly defined requirements on the type and frequency of assessment. IMG candidates are assessed in the everyday workplace using a combination of direct, indirect and in-term assessments including:

  • Mini-clinical examination
  • Direct observation of clinical
  • Case based discussion
  • Supervisor reports and multisource feedback.

All completed assessments are reviewed by the AMC at the conclusion of the WBA Program.

Successful completion of the WBA Program results in candidates being awarded the AMC Certificate. Participation in the WBA program does not guarantee registration; all candidates must meet the requirements of the Board prior to being granted general registration.

Enrolment in WBA Programs across WA Health is contingent on being employed for a minimum of 12 months. Whilst the assessment component may be completed prior to the contract end date, candidates are still required to meet their contractual obligations to the employing hospital.

To find out more about WA Health’s WBA programs please visit: