WARDA – Diagnostic codes for birth defects

Diagnostic codes

  • The Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies (WARDA) uses the British Paediatric Association extension of the International Classification of Diseases Version 9 (BPA-ICD9). The Register includes up to 10 diagnoses per case and for each anomaly records:BPA-ICD9
  • Description code
  • Major code

BPA-ICD9 code

The WARDA staff have modified and expanded on some of these codes to suit the purposes of the Register. These codes are all listed in the numerical order (PDF 44KB) document.

Description code

Each anomaly is described in a text field.

The default text is listed in the alphabetical order (PDF 52KB) document. However, the default text may be modified or expanded for an individual case to provide further description. For example, 75980 – Syndrome of face NEC (NEC = not elsewhere classified) would have the actual syndrome diagnoses recorded (e.g. Stickler syndrome).

In some cases additional descriptions may be used to identify location of the anomaly (left, right or bilateral), but the diagnostic code will remain the same.

Major code

Each anomaly is coded as being major (Y) or minor (N). This is based on an original coding schema used by the Centres for Disease Control in the USA, reflecting the severity of the anomaly.

The default code is listed in both alphabetical and numerical coding documents. However, the default code may be changed if the individual anomaly in a particular case does not reflect the existing code.

More information

King Edward Memorial Hospital
PO Box 134 Subiaco 6904
Western Australia

Phone: 6458 2735
Fax: 6458 2636
Email: gareth.baynam@health.wa.gov.au

Produced by

King Edward Memorial Hospital