Trauma education and training for WA health professionals

The education of health care professionals in the early management of trauma is an essential part of optimising patient care and reducing preventable deaths.

All staff providing trauma management need appropriate education and skills in:

  • resuscitation
  • stabilisation
  • continuing care.

The Western Australian Trauma and Education Unit (WATTEU) is mindful that efficient and effective trauma management depends on the provision of high quality education and training programs that meet the needs of staff receiving and managing trauma patients in WA.

WATTEU works with key stakeholders to develop, deliver and evaluate trauma training programs conducted throughout the State of WA.

Directory of trauma education opportunities

The Injury and Trauma – Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation Courses for WA Health Practitioners Audit Report 2012-2016 (942KB) provides information on available trauma education.

The report has been split into three distinct sections:

The report was compiled by WATTEU in conjunction with the Injury and Trauma Health Network. The information within it is reviewed and updated every year.

If you would like to submit a course for inclusion, or remove a course, please send an email with the details of the course, including a contact person’s phone number and/or email address.

Trauma education courses

A number of hospitals, universities and organisations throughout the State that provide professional development and training in the management of trauma.




Professional organisations

There are a number of professional organisations throughout Australia that can also assist health professionals in their efforts to improve their overall skills in trauma and emergency medicine.




More information

Western Australia Trauma Training and Education Unit

Phone: 6457 3699
Fax: 6457 1617
Send an email
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
3rd floor, A Block
Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009

Produced by

Western Australian Trauma Training and Education Unit (WATTEU)