The Research Institute Support (RIS) program provides indirect research cost funding to eligible Medical Research Institutes (MRIs) in Western Australia based on success in national and international competitive grant schemes. Eligibility criteria are outlined in the RIS 2023 Guidelines and Conditions.
Indirect costs of research refer to the resources essential for supporting high-quality research, where these resources are not directly funded by research grants. Examples are shared laboratory supplies and equipment, occupancy costs, equipment and facilities maintenance, IT & data management and support staff.
$6.5 million has been allocated to RIS to provide support for WA MRI indirect research costs in the 2023 calendar year.
Program status: Closed for Applications
The Research Institute Support (RIS) 2023 Guidelines and Conditions, Application Form and Grant Income Spreadsheet can be accessed below:

For further information please email DoH.OMRI@health.wa.gov.au
Produced by
Office of Medical Research and Innovation