Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is a common type of bacteria that can grow and multiply easily in water.
Characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Organism size ranges from 0.5 µm – 1.0 µm x 1.5 µm – 4.0 µm.
- Resistant to a wide range of antibiotics and disinfectants.
- Grows well at temperatures up to 41 ˚C.
Pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa
Common P. aeruginosa infections include:
- folliculitis – this is a pustular rash of hair follicles on the skin that occurs within 8 hours to 5 days after the event and usually resolves within 5 days. It is most common in heated spa-pools
- otitis externa (swimmers ear) – most common for swimming pools
- urinary and respiratory tracts infections
- wounds and cornea infections.
Occasional symptoms of P. aeruginosa include:
- head and muscle aches
- burning eyes and fever - resembles inhalation of P.aeruginosa endotoxins.
Infection can occur to healthy individuals at levels of >1000 organisms/mL.
Environment and contamination sources
- Ubiquitous in water, vegetation and soil skin shedding from infected humans is the predominant source of contamination in swimming pool or spa.
- Warm or damp environments surrounding pools and spas can cause contamination, such as decks, drains, benches and floors.
- P.aeruginosa tends to accumulate in biofilms in filters that are poorly maintained and in areas where swimming or spa pool hydraulics are poor such as under moveable floors.
- Bathers are likely to pick up the organism on their hands or feet and transfer them to the water.
- Elevated organic loads in spas (particularly skin cells) protect organisms from disinfection, reduce the residual disinfectant level and provide a source of nutrients for organism growth.
Risk management
There are a number of ways to mitigate risk of P.aeruginosa at an aquatic facility including:
- maintaining adequate residual disinfectant levels in swimming pools and spas
- frequent monitoring and adjustment of pH and disinfectant levels is essential
- routine and thorough cleaning of swimming pool and spa interiors, surroundings and surfaces including pipe-work
- using chlorination that is superior to bromination in controlling P.aeruginosa
- strongly encouraging patrons to shower, before using a swimming pool or spa
- controlling the numbers of bathers and duration of spa exposure.
More information
- Environmental Health Directorate, Water Unit
Postal Address: PO Box 8172, Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Phone: 9222 2000
WHO - 2006, Guidelines for safe recreational water environments Volume 2 - Swimming Pools and Similar Environments
Last reviewed: 15-10-2020
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Public Health