Applications for scholarships need to be made before any study is undertaken.
Scholarship applications for semester 1 are typically open between December and January. Scholarship applications for semester 2 are typically open between May and July. A link to the online application system will appear during this time only on the main scholarships page.
Please note that scholarship funding no longer covers the full academic year. Scholarships are now granted for one academic semester only due to financial reporting requirements. Applicants will need to reapply for subsequent semesters of study.
If studies are completed at a university which offers units over a course of trimesters, applications for units will need to be submitted in the respective semester within which they fall. For example, applications for units in trimester 1 and 2 should be included in a semester 1 application.
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria are reviewed annually and subject to change.
All scholarships applicants must be
- An Australian citizen or in possession of a permanent residency visa (or equivalent) and be currently residing in WA.
- Able to provide a copy of their birth certificate, Australian passport, Australian citizenship certificate or evidence of a permanent residency visa.
- Applicants employed on a casual basis are deemed ineligible. Exemption is applied to initial registration midwifery students.
- Scholarship funding is limited. Eligible applicants are strongly advised to secure a Commonwealth Supported Place to reduce out of pocket expenses on course tuition fee.
Eligibility requirements for specific scholarships
Initial registration – enrolled nurse scholarships
- Applicants must have successfully completed semester one of the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) at a Western Australian vocational education and training institution and be able to provide evidence of this within their application.
- Applicants must provide confirmation of enrolment from a WA vocational education and training institution for the units of study. Failure to provide this by the scholarship closing date will deem the applicant ineligible.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants are eligible to apply for a scholarship to cover stage one of the Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing).
Initial registration – registered nurse or midwife scholarships
- Applicants must have successfully completed semester one and two of the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) or Bachelor of Science (Midwifery) degree at a full-time study load or part-time equivalent and be able to provide evidence of this within their application.
- Students of Graduate Pathway programs, with recognition of prior learning, can apply from commencement of their course.
- Applicants must provide confirmation of enrolment from an Australian university for planned units of study. Failure to provide this by the closing date will deem the applicant ineligible.
Postgraduate scholarships
- Applicants must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).
- Applicants must provide confirmation of enrolment from a university/institution for planned units of study. Failure to provide this by the closing date will deem the applicant ineligible. If a course is not offered in WA, applicants may still apply and are required to provide supporting evidence of why a specific course was chosen.
- Applicants receiving funding from another source are ineligible to apply.
- Scholarships will be awarded based on current and projected workforce requirements and areas of high clinical need.
- Funding and conditions may change without notice.
Renewal of Registration Scholarships – registered nurse, enrolled nurse and midwife
- Applicants must provide confirmation of enrolment for planned units of study in a NMBA approved education provider program for Re-entry to Nursing or Midwifery.
- Applicants must apply for this scholarship before commencing a Re-entry to Nursing or Midwifery program.
Postgraduate Enrolled Nurse Specialisation Scholarship
- Applicants must be able to provide evidence of enrolment with a registered training organisation.
- Applicants must apply for their scholarship before commencement of an Advanced Diploma of Nursing course.
- Applicants must be registered with the NMBA as an enrolled nurse.
Rhonda Marriott Scholarship
- Applicants must identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- Applicants must be registered the NMBA as a nurse or midwife. Applicants are required to attach the following documents.
- proof of current registration with the NMBA (external site) i.e. a copy of current registration certificate or printout from the NMBA website
- evidence of enrolment for study for the year requested for funding
- cover letter (max two pages) detailing previous experience, reasons for undertaking study and how this scholarship will assist in applicants professional development.
New Zealand citizens
Applicants are required to provide evidence of New Zealand citizenship and/or evidence of permanent residency status from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) such as a Special Category Visa.
Evidence of enrolment
Evidence of enrolment must be submitted as part of any application. Without this, applicants may be deemed ineligible for a scholarship. Please refer to the example of what an enrolment notice should show - enrolment (PDF 60.8KB). This is the only type of document that will be accepted as proof of enrolment.
Tax implications
Any tax implications associated with a scholarship, fellowship or academic grant are the responsibility of the individual applicant. Please seek further advice from a tax accountant to determine personal tax obligations. For Fringe Benefit Tax purposes, a scholarships is an expense payment fringe benefit that your WA Health employer entity may include as part of your Reportable Fringe Benefit Amount on your Income Statement.
Scholarship restrictions
- All applications for scholarships must be for the upcoming study semester. Applicants cannot apply for a scholarship for units completed in a previous semester.
- If applicants are receiving funding from another source for course fees, they are ineligible to apply for a Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office scholarship. If applicants are awarded a scholarship and have not disclosed other funding sources, then the scholarship is deemed void and invalid. Applicants may be responsible for paying back any monies received from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office.
- Funding is not available for unit/s that are awarded a Credit for Recognised Learning or Recognition of Prior Learning.
Application process
Applications can only be made online via the advert link on the Scholarships page. This link will be activated when submissions are open.
Submission of a scholarship application does not guarantee a successful outcome. Scholarships are competitive and based on current and projected workforce requirements and areas of high clinical need.
Applications will not be considered if eligibility criteria are not met, or the required supporting documentation is not supplied.
Documentation required
Cover letter (maximum of 500 words)– this should state the benefit of the qualification being studied to area of practice and organisation.
- Proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residency visa.
- Evidence of enrolment in units of study.
- Name Change document (if required)
- Previous semester’s results (where applicable – see eligibility above).
- Proof of current registration with the NMBA (external site). (i.e. A copy of applicants current registration certificate or printout from the NMBA website.) This is not required for students undertaking an initial qualification as a nurse or midwife.
Incomplete applications, without the required supporting documentation listed will be deemed ineligible.
Please note that supporting documentation may only be attached in Word, JPEG or PDF file format.
Scholarship granting process
- If successful in gaining a scholarship, applicants will receive a letter of intent that must be completed and returned.
- If awarded a scholarship, applicants will only be funded for the units submitted in initial application – additional units cannot be added.
- For funding to be reimbursed, applicants are required to successfully complete the units applied for.
- If unsuccessful in receiving a scholarship, applicants will be sent an outcome notification.
- Scholarships are non-transferable and only valid for the semester applied for.
- If an applicant withdraws or defers from study, they must inform the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office in writing. Any scholarship will be forfeited and the applicant will need to reapply for the next semester if they choose to study.
- If an applicant’s circumstances change, or details of the course change, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office must be notified in writing.
- Scholarships cannot be extended. If the course duration is more than one semester, applicants will need to reapply the following semester for a further scholarship.
Providing applicants results and invoice
If successful in gaining a scholarship, funding will be provided to the applicant at the end of each completed semester of study. For this to occur the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office must receive a copy of the individual's academic transcript and official tax invoice via email.
- Under no circumstances are funds provided up front, nor are they paid to the institution or HECS/Fee HELP account on the applicants behalf.
To receive reimbursement, applicants must send the required documentation to the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office before the deadline stated in the Scholarship Intention Letter.
Failure to submit documents before the due date may void that particular semester’s scholarship payment.
Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances. Requests must be made in writing to the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office before the deadline.
Payment of funds
Once the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office has received the academic transcript and official tax invoice, funds will be paid directly to applicant. This process can take up to 6 weeks. It is the applicant's responsibility to inform the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office, in writing, of any changes to postal address.
The Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office has an appeals process for scholarships. Please review the following two documents to find out how to lodge an appeal. Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of receiving an unsuccessful outcome notification.
Last reviewed: 27-03-2025
Produced by
Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office