Schedule 4 Monitored Medicines
Schedule 4 (S4) Monitored Medicines are a medicine which have been define under regulation 7a as being a S4 reportable medicine. S4 monitored medicines are substances in Schedule 4 of The Poisons Standard which are considered to have a higher risk of patient abuse, misuse and physical or psychological dependence and are defined as a Drug of Addiction under Section 77 of the Medicines and Poisons Act 2016.
S4 monitored medicines by way of their scheduling are considered lower risk than S8 medicines.
They are listed in Schedule 6 of the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 (external site) and include:
- All benzodiazepines in S4
- Codeine-based preparations in S4
- Gabapentin
- Pregabalin
- Quetiapine
- Tramadol
- Zolpidem
- Zolpiclone
These monitored S4 medicines will be captured on ScriptCheckWA, Western Australia’s real time prescription monitoring system.
Storage and recording requirements
There is no specific requirement under the Medicines and Poisons legislation for storage or record the movement of S4 monitored medicines.
Prescribing S4 reportable medicines
All prescribing must conform to the criteria and conditions outlined in Part 1 and the Risk management approach to treatment with S4 reportable medicines outlined in Part 8 of the Code.
Authorisation from the CEO is not required to prescribe S4 reportable medicines.
Risk management approach to treatment with S4 reportable medicines
Prescribers are required to confirm in ScriptCheckWA that they are the only prescriber of these medicines prior to prescribing and the patient has no current prescriptions.
To mitigate potential harms associated with these medicines, a documented plan to mitigate potential harms must be included in the medical records for patients in the following cases:
- patient is recorded as a Drug Dependent person or Oversupplied person
- patient is currently on OST through CPOP
- patient is taking concurrent opioids with benzodiazepine medicines
- patient is being prescribed monitored medicines by multiple prescribers
- the condition being treated is not a ARTG indication for the product
- the dose taken by the patient is above the recommended dose in the product information for the condition being treated.
Mitigation strategies may include:
- reviewing history in ScriptCheckWA prior to prescribing or dispensing
- staged supply or limited quantities
- treatment contract
- no early prescriptions
- ensuring the dose is clear including a maximum daily dose on prn prescriptions
- limiting supply from a single pharmacy
- referring to drug and alcohol services for management of dependence.
S4 restricted medicines
S4 restricted medicines included in the Western Australian Department of Health Medicines Handling Policy are only applicable to public hospitals and the list is about risk of diversion (by staff) not risk to patients when treated with these medicines. The additional controls are through policy documents that are mandatory for WA Health sites and the restrictions are about storage and record keeping. Some private hospitals have policies that reflect the requirements of the WA Health policy. The list is in the Risk based requirements for medicines handling (Section 3).
More information
Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch
Mailing address: PO Box 8172, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849
Phone: 9222 4424 (Monitored Medicines Prescriber Advisory Line)
Last reviewed: 06-12-2024