Medicinal cannabis products (S4 and S8)

Both the Commonwealth government and the States and Territories regulate the use of medicinal cannabis. Most medicinal cannabis products are not registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for supply in Australia.  This means that prescribers who wish to prescribe medicinal cannabis require approval from the Commonwealth. This approval is obtained through either the Special Access Scheme – B (SAS-B) or Authorised Prescriber (AP) pathways before medicinal cannabis products can be prescribed and supplied.

Approval to prescribe through SAS-B and AP pathway are not transferable to another prescriber.  

Medicinal cannabis products containing THC

Medicinal cannabis products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are Schedule 8 (S8) medicines, also known as controlled drugs. These products are limited to human use only. 

S8 medicinal cannabis products include all formulations of:

  • cannabis
  • dronabinol
  • nabilone
  • nabiximols
  • tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) and
  • any other synthetically or botanically derived cannabinoids included in S8. 

Medicinal products only containing CBD

Products only containing cannabidiol (CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid) are Schedule 4 (S4) medicines, also known as prescription only medicines.

The Poisons Standard (external site) allows “cannabidiol only” medicinal cannabis products to also contain very low levels of THC or other cannabinoids naturally found in cannabis – up to 2 per cent of the total cannabinoid content.

Part 4 of the Monitored Medicines Prescribing Code (the Code) outlines the prescribing conditions and requirements for Schedule 8 medicinal cannabis products in WA, including the requirements to obtain written authorisation from the CEO before prescribing medicinal cannabis

Information about the role of the Commonwealth Government in providing access to medicinal cannabis is available from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA, external site)

Applying for authorisation 

Approval from the TGA

Except where the product is listed on the ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods), all prescribers must be approved to prescribe medicinal cannabis through a TGA process.

Information on the TGA processes is available from Medicinal cannabis: Information for health professionals | Therapeutic Goods Administration (external site)

Authorisation to prescribe from the CEO of the Department of Health

Whether a TGA Authorised Prescriber or a prescriber applying through the TGA portal, prescribers need to obtain a patient-specific authorisation from the CEO before prescribing an S8 Medicinal Cannabis Products in the following situations:

  • the patient is under 18 years of age
  • the patient is drug dependent, oversupplied or has a history of substance use disorder for a drug of addiction in the past 5 years
  • the patient has a history of psychosis or other psychiatric comorbidity
  • the dose prescribed is greater than 40mg THC per day across all oral products and 300mg THC per day across all inhaled / vaporised products.

Application can be made:

General conditions for the prescribing of S8 medicinal cannabis products
Calculating the total THC dose
Importation from overseas by health practitioners

More information

Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch
Mailing address: PO Box 8172, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849
Phone: 9222 4424 (Monitored Medicines Prescriber Advisory Line)