This fact sheet provides information and guidance on independent third party engineering verification (ITPEV) requirements for the technical assessment of proposed wastewater collection and treatment plants (WWTPs). WWTPs include classic disposal and recycling systems.
What is an ITPEV?
ITPEV is the evaluation and verification of the conceptual and technical soundness of a design or outcome by one or more independent third party. Independent third party engineers are qualified by their education, training, and experience in the same discipline, or closely related field of science, to assess the design’s likelihood of achieving the intended objectives and anticipated outcomes.
Why is an ITPEV certification important?
Large/complex wastewater collection and disposal projects and large recycling schemes require significant capital investment and a high level of engineering skill. An ITPEV is an important way to identify and manage the risks associated with each project in a proactive way. With an ITPEV, potential issues or gaps in the proposed WWTP can be identified and mitigated before the system is commissioned. This proactive approach will save money in the long term by minimising the need to fix problems when the WWTP is commissioned and in operation. The ITPEV will also provide a reassurance that the WWTP will operate to the intended standards avoiding delay to obtain final approvals due to WWTP underperformance.
When is an ITPEV required?
The Department of Health may require an ITPEV when a proposed project:
- Has a minimum operating design life of 20 years.
- Is designed to treat sewage from more than 1,000 people.
- Is complex or innovative.
- Design submission is incomplete or confusing; or
- Involves the appointment of designers/contractors based outside Australia.
What information should an ITPEV report provide?
When required an ITPEV shall include the following:
- Background information including the source of wastewater, the proposed treatment train and any treated effluent quality objectives if waste water reuse is intended.
- An evaluation of treatment process to determine if wastewater quality parameters will be achieved.
- A review of the proposed plant design and an assessment equipment to be used to confirm the hydraulic capacity of the proposed collection, treatment and disposal system.
- An appraisal of the WWTP to ensure appropriate metering and monitoring provisions.
- An assessment of the adequacy and suitability of materials used throughout the project.
- Identification of major and/or minor issues requiring further attention or correction before commissioning the project.
- A statement concerning the adequacy of the design of the proposed project.
Who pays for the ITPEV?
The organisation who owns the assets is responsible for the appointment and payment of the ITPEV.
How can an ITPEV provide and independent review?
The DoH will not accept a third party verification report from an engineering company when;
- It has been involved in the design/commissioning stages of the project and WWTP.
- It has provided equipment or other services to the WWTP proposal.
- It has any commercial interest in the project such as providing operational or maintenance services to the WWTP
Who are certified ITPEV’s?
Any engineering companies can provide ITPEV's services, the company below has confirmed that they are Independent Third Party Engineering Verifiers:
Company Name: GHD
Phone: 08 6222 8222
Last reviewed: 03-04-2020
Produced by
Public Health