GP Hospital Training Pathway
The GP Hospital Training Pathway (GPHTP) supports new and intentioned general practice (GP) trainees to access hospital rotations that will optimally prepare them for future community GP training.
The GPHTP is a collaboration between the Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO), Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and participating employing health services (EHSs).
Key elements of the GPHTP are:
- identification by the RACGP and ACRRM of GP-suitable hospital rotations that are relevant and useful for Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) and the Rural Generalist Training Scheme (RGTS)
- access to a suite of GP-suitable rotations at each participating EHS that provide GP-suitable clinical experiences
- a training needs assessment by the RACGP and ACRRM (early intake and returning GP only) that factors in preferences
- allocation of participants by their EHS to a combination of GP-suitable rotations that will meet their training needs over 1-2 years
- the option for GP trainees to complete 2 years on the GPHTP through a unique exemption to training time caps, provided on a case-by-case basis by the RACGP and/or ACRRM.
The GP Colleges strongly encourage junior doctors who have applied to commence in GP training on the AGPT or RGTS, especially current interns, to consider GPHTP participation.
Junior doctors with GP intent should also consider applying for a Community Residency Program (CRP) placement (external site).
To be eligible for the GPHTP, you’ll need to hold a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) contract at a participating health service in 2025. Further information on eligibility and GP-suitable rotations offered by participating EHSs (Appendix B) is available within the GP Hospital Training Pathway Framework 2025.
Expression of Interest
The GPHTP expression of interest (EOI) process for 2025 is closed. To be notified when the EOI opens for the 2026 pathway, please sign up to receive a notification by following this link:
If you would like further information, please email:
Last reviewed: 13-02-2025
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Medical Workforce