Heatwave strategies for local government and community service organisations

The Department of Health has developed strategies for local government and community service organisations to reduce vulnerability before the summer until after the heatwave.

Before summer
  • Engage with key stakeholders and community members to raise awareness about the risks of extreme heat.
  • Identify established and informal networks to connect and engage with vulnerable groups, including cultually and linguistic diverse and Aboriginal groups.
  • Use relevant lists of people who may be at risk of extreme heat that are current e.g. HACC services, Meals on Wheels.
  • Ensure to check HealthyWA (external site) for information on heatwaves.
Immediately prior to a heatwave
  • HealthyWA social media feeds are an excellent source for consistent messaging for local government to channels.
  • Provide consistent heat health messages during client visits, or through telephone calls.
  • Update the council website, including additional services being provided during the heatwave.
  • Reschedule services to cooler parts of the day.
During a heatwave
  • Follow the community heatwave alerts from EmergencyWA. Reschedule non-essential events.
  • Increase community messaging through local media and standard communication channels aligned to EmergencyWA.
  • Promote air-conditioned centres and cool spaces to allow local residents to get respite from the heat.
Following a heatwave
  • Engage with clients about how they coped during the heatwave.
  • Consider what worked well and what could be improved for future heatwaves.

Heatwave resources for the community

We’ve created a suite resources to help local governments, businesses, and community organisations educate the public about the effects of extreme heat and prepare for heatwaves.

In addition, health and wellbeing information on heat and heatwaves can be found by visiting HealthyWA. The website has a large range of articles on those at greatest risk of harm from high temperatures such as working safely in hot conditions, heat stress in older people and food safety.

Last reviewed: 14-11-2024
Produced by

Disaster Preparedness and Management Directorate