Transfer of S8 prescription repeats
Transfer of S8 prescription repeats
This information is only intended for the transfer of paper-based Schedule 8 prescription repeats.
Electronic prescriptions (external site), as defined by the Australian Digital Health Agency (not the scanned version of a paper prescription), are excluded from this requirement due to the low risk of fraudulent prescriptions being dispensed. The repeat token can be sent back to the patient, and there is no need for the pharmacy to print out the token to keep on file.
Retaining S8 prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions for Schedule 8 (S8) medicines must be retained by the pharmacy that dispenses the original paper-based prescription.
Transfer of S8 prescriptions to another pharmacy
Approval from the Department of Health is no longer required to transfer Schedule 8 prescription repeats to another pharmacy.
Repeat prescriptions may not be returned to the patient. The repeats should be posted to the new pharmacy and the pharmacy alerted to expect the transfer.
The transferring pharmacy should maintain a record of the pharmacy address the prescription was transferred to.
Interstate transfers
Transfers of S8 repeat prescriptions to a receiving pharmacy in another state or territory are allowed.
There are different requirements for the prescribing of S8 medicines between jurisdictions and not all prescriptions may be honoured in other states and territories without the correct local approvals.
More information
Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch
Mailing address: PO Box 8172, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849
Phone: 9222 6883