Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) arrangements

As of 30 June 2021, all Department of Veteran Affairs policy related documents (Operational Directive’s) are rescinded and replaced with a DVA Supporting Guide.  All hard copy documents should be destroyed.

The rescinded DVA documents include:

  • OD 0494/14 Arrangements for the Provision and Charging of Aids or Equipment, Home Assessment and Home Modification for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Entitled Persons.
  • OD 0495/14 Billing Arrangements for Selected Services Provided to DVA Entitled Persons.
  • OD 0496/14 DVA Patient Election Form.
  • OD 0497/14 Hospital Transfer Policy for DVA Entitled Persons from Public to Private Hospitals.
  • OD 0498/14 Identification of DVA Entitled Persons.
  • OD 0499/14 Inter-Hospital Transport Arrangements for DVA Entitled Persons.
  • OD 0525/14 Loan Equipment - Arrangements for the provision and charging of short-term and long-term loan equipment for the Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) Entitled Persons.

The Department of Health Revenue, Strategy and Support section encourage all relevant staff to please be familiar with the DVA Supporting Guide (PDF 854KB).

Veterans and entitled persons (EP) can access a comprehensive range of admitted and non-admitted services in WA publicly funded hospitals (external site). Non-admitted services include emergency, outpatient and community services.


‘Entitled person’means a person who has elected to be treated under DVA arrangements and:

  1. has been issued with:
    • a Gold Card, or
    • a White Card, or
    • an Orange Card (pharmaceuticals only), or
    • a written authorisation on behalf of the Repatriation Commission, or
  2. is a Vietnam Veteran or his/her dependant who is not otherwise eligible for treatment and who is certified by a medical practitioner as requiring urgent hospital treatment for an injury or disease. 

New veteran entitlement cards have been issued to EP during January 2019, irrespective of the date of expiry of their current card. Changes to the cards include:

  • The title on all the cards have changed to “Veteran Card”
  • The cards are valid for six years (previously four years)
  • The DVA security hologram is on the front of the card

For a full list of changes to the new cards, including a list of questions and answers, please see the New Look DVA Veteran Card (external site).

Benefits as a DVA patient

  • Choice of publicly funded hospital, with a minimum shared ward accommodation;
  • Choice of doctor provided the doctor has admitting rights to the hospital;
  • Free hospitalisation - costs of accommodation, medical and diagnostic services, prostheses, aids and equipment are charged to the DVA;
  • Free pharmaceuticals whilst admitted, on discharge and as non-admitted patients (some hospitals may charge a patient co-payment);
  • Aids, equipment and home modification
  • Nursing home type contribution for ex-Prisoners of War and Victoria Cross Recipients is charged to the DVA;
  • Inter-hospital transport; and
  • Transport at discharge.

More information

Revenue Strategy and Support, System Finance

Department of Health
189 Royal Street,
Level 1, A Block, 189 Royal Street,
East Perth WA 6004

Brett Chapman
(08) 6373 1839

Eve Stromback
(08) 6373 1829

Last reviewed: 29-10-2024