Community Environmental Health Action Plan (CEHAP)
Community Environmental Health Action Plan (CEHAP)
The Community Environmental Health Action Plan (CEHAP) is a good practice, guiding document for Aboriginal communities and Environmental Health Service Providers.

It is designed to be used, and referred to, by local people and agencies to effect and maintain real improvements in the health of local communities. It is mandatory for all contracted Service Providers to develop a CEHAP for communities serviced by them.
Environmental health risks vary greatly between different communities, as do the management strategies. Developing a CEHAP will help to identify significant environmental health risks that may impact on a community, and any relevant responses/actions required to minimise risk. The plan is also designed to encourage collaboration and shared responsibility between community members, organisation and stakeholders, as well as transparency in decision making regarding environmental health matters. An annual review of the plan is encouraged to maintain relevancy.
The Department’s Aboriginal Environmental Health Program has developed a template to assist in preparing a CEHAP. This can be downloaded in a PDF or word version:
More information
Aboriginal Environmental Health Program
Phone: (08) 9222 2000
Email: ehinfo@health.wa.gov.au
Last reviewed: 15-03-2019