Australian Defence Force Reserves

The Western Australian Department of Health has many staff working in the Australian Army, Navy or Air Force Reserves. They carry out key roles supporting a variety of operations in Australia as well as overseas.

There are also many opportunities for staff to volunteer their skills and time as a reservist (external site) in the Navy, Army or Air Force. As a reservist, you will receive extensive training (external site) that relate to your current position, which will prepare you for any peacekeeping, humanitarian or disaster relief operation.

Reservists come from all walks of life and receive leadership and other training that requires a commitment to serve a minimum number of days each year, in locations close to home as well as interstate and overseas.


There are great incentives for becoming a reservist, including tax free pay (external site) and allowances. Under the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (external site), your employer is required to support your reservist activities and can be compensated (external site) for your absence from work. As Government employees you are entitled to up to 4 weeks Defence Force Leave (external site).


More information

To learn more about Defence Reserves visit the website (external site) or contact