Approved secondary treatment systems and aerated wastewater treatment systems

Secondary treatment systems (STS) are wastewater treatment systems which produce treated effluent of secondary standard, i.e. 20 mg/L of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), 30 mg/L of Total suspended solids (TSS) and 10 cfu/100 mL of Escherichia (E) coli. Due to the treatment and disinfection process, the treated wastewater from STS systems may be used for garden irrigation.

The STSs systems listed below have been certified to the latest Australian Standard AS 1546.3:2017– On-site domestic wastewater treatment units. Secondary treatment systems and approved by the Chief Health Officer for installations in Western Australia. AS 1546.3:2017 sets out requirements for the design, commissioning, performance and conformity testing of secondary treatment systems.

Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) is a system which uses the processes of aeration followed by clarification to achieve biological treatment of wastewater.The AWTS systems listed below have been certified to the previous Australian Standard AS 1546.3:2008 – On-site domestic wastewater treatment units. Aerated wastewater treatment systems and approved by the Chief Health Officer for installations in Western Australia. AS 1546.3:2008 sets out requirements for the design, commissioning, performance and conformity testing of aerated wastewater treatment systems.

In some instances the Government Sewerage Policy 2019 (external site) requires installation of STS and not AWTS. For more details please refer to the Government Sewerage Policy 2019 (external site).

STSs and AWTSs are to be installed and operated in accordance with the Health (Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste) Regulations 1974, the Code of Practice for the Design, Manufacture, Installation and Operation of Aerobic Treatment Units Serving Single Dwellings and AS 1547: 2012 On-site domestic wastewater management.

As the conditions of approval can vary between designs, persons interested in installing a particular STS or AWTS should confirm it meets their needs and discuss site requirements with the local government. For more information on STS and AWTS refer to Secondary Treatment and Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems.

STSs and AWTSs have regular service requirements (usually quarterly) and maintenance must be through an authorised person or their staff/subcontractors.

Where nutrient retention is required, the local government should be consulted to determine if the nutrient removal capacity of the system will meet their requirements.

Please note that all systems require to be certified to AS1546.3:2017:

  • any new STSs without current certification; and
  • existing AWTS with current certification to AS 1546.3:2008 (as per table below) by the current certification expiry date.

Table 1: Approved STS (certified to AS1546.3:2017)

Manufacturer / Distributor Model Capacity Comment / Restrictions Approval Expiry Date
BioSeptic Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: (02) 4629 6666 or
1300 658 111
Performa 2020 1500L/day
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 4.3 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 5.8mg/l (98.16%)
  • BOD: 1.9mg/l (99.44%)
  • Turbidity: 14.5NTU
  • E coli: <1 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
Global Certification
Number 576
Biomax Pty Ltd (external site) 
Phone: (08) 92507733                    Email:
BioMax-C10   1500L/day 10EP  Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 5 yearly desludging or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017:
  • TSS: < 30 mg/L
  • BOD: < 20 mg/L
  • Free Cl: > 0.5 mg/L
  • E coli: < 10 CFU/100ml
SAI Global Number SMK40530 19/10/2026
Everhard Industries Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: (08) 94178222
Aqua Advanced Poly and  Concrete  1200L/day  8EP Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 3.3 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 5.4mg/l (98.34%)
  • BOD: 1.25mg/l (99.64%)
  • Turbidity: 7.6NTU
  • E coli: 0.2 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
Global Certification
Number 632 28/092025

Filtrex Innovative Wastewater Solutions (external site)

59 McCombe Road
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: (08) 9726 0118

 Filtrex STS8 1200L/day  8EP Advanced Secondary Treatment System. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017: Amended soil filtration (% reduction). 
  • TSS: <10mg/l (Avg. <5))
  • BOD5: <10mg/l (Avg.<4)
  • Total Nitrogen: Avg. 22mg/l (62% reduction) 
  • Total Phosphorus: Avg. 0.05mg/l (99% reduction)
SAI Global Number SMK40786 08/05/2028
Fuji Clean Australia PTY LTD
Phone: 1300 733 619

WA Distributor: 
Phone: 08 9561 2927 
Email: Mob: 0417 098 281

FujiClean ACE 1200 1200L/day
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 5 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 2.9mg/l (99.14%)
  • BOD: <2mg/l (99.76%)
  • Turbidity: 3.63NTU
  • E coli: <1CFU/100ml (99.99%)
  • Total Nitrogen: 14.79mg/l (79.05%)
  • Phosphorus: 10.33mg/l (14.50%)
Global Certification
FujiClean ACE 3000 3000L/day
20 EP
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 2.3 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546:3:2017 (% reduction):
  • BOD: 1.29 mg/L (99.62%)
  • TSS: 4.98 mg/L (98.51%)
  • Turbidity: 9.12 NTU
  • E.coli: 0.2 CFU/100mL (99.99%)
  • Total Nitrogen: 29.37 mg/L (61.25%)
  • Phosphorus: 10.66 mg/L (6.49%)
Global Certification
Number 649
Manfacturer: Hydroscape Pty Ltd

Supplier: Arris Pty Ltd
Phone: (08) 8313 6706
1200 (Lined System)
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with (optional) chlorine disinfection, 6 monthly service and 4 yearly septic tank desludging or as required. Approved for sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • BOD: ≤10mg/L
  • TSS: ≤10mg/L
  • Turbidity: ≤10NTU
  • Total Nitrogen: 49.4mg/L (21%)
  • Total Phosphorus: 6.3mg/L (30%)

Chlorine disinfection required where used for above ground spray to achieve E coli ≤10CFU/100ml. Contact supplier to refer to product approval for further details on product restrictions.


1200 (Unlined System)


Advanced Secondary Treatment System, 6 monthly service and 4 yearly septic tank desludging or as required. Approved for sub-surface discharge only under the sand filter. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS1546.3:2017:

  • BOD: ≤10mg/L
  • TSS: ≤10mg/L
  • Turbidity: ≤10NTU

Contact supplier to refer to product approval for further details on product restrictions.


Kingspan Water & Energy Pty Ltd(external site)
Phone:1300 736 562
Advanced BioFicient 1200L/day
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 2 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 4.1mg/l (98.9%)
  • BOD: 1.07mg/l (99.69%)
  • Turbidity: 6.9NTU
  • E coli: <1CFU/100ml (99.99%)
Global Certification
Number 581
Taylex Australia Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: 1300 TAYLEX (1300 829539)
Taylex ABS 1500 (Concrete and plastic) 1500L/day
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 3.2 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 7.6mg/l (97.66%)
  • BOD: 1.5mg/l (99.59%)
  • Turbidity: 31.1NTU
  • E coli: 1.4 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
Global Certification
Taylex ABS 5000 Concrete 5000L/day
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 3.2 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 6.12mg/l (98.12%)
  • BOD: 1.07mg/l (99.69%)
  • Turbidity: 8.51NTU
  • E coli: 0.41 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
  • Total Nitrogen: 45.68mg/l (37.21%)
  • Total Phosphorus: 9.21mg/l (15.27%)
Global Certification
  Taylex ABSNR 1350
(Concrete and Poly)
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 3.5 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 4.29mg/l (99.50%)
  • BOD: 1.63mg/l (98.90%)
  • Turbidity: 6.26NTU 
  • E coli: 0.95 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
  • Total Nitrogen: 23.3mg/l (66.90%) 
  • Total Phosphorus: 8.56mg/l (26.46%)
Global Certification
4382-3039-01 (Concrete)
4386-3039-01 (Poly)
  Taylex ABSNR 2000
(Concrete and Poly)
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 2 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 5.63mg/l (98.56%)
  • BOD: 2.59mg/l (99.20%)
  • Turbidity: 11NTU 
  • E coli: 0.8 CFU/100ml (99.99%)
  • Total Nitrogen: 31.94mg/l (54.70%) 
  • Total Phosphorus: 8.76mg/l (24.74%)
Global Certification
4384-3039-01 (Concrete)
4388-3039-01 (Poly)

Toowomba Tanks Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: (07) 4634 3860

WA Distributor:
TMC Australasia: 0418 267 959 
TurboJet Single 1500L/day
10 EP
Advanced Secondary Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, 3 Monthly Service and 3.5 yearly sedimentation pump out or as required. Approved for above ground spray irrigation, sub-surface, sub-strata drip irrigation, leach drains and soakwells. The system achieved the following results over testing period to AS 1546.3:2017 (% reduction):
  • TSS: 9.2mg/l (97.2%)
  • BOD: <2mg/l (99.80%)
  • Turbidity: 8.8NTU
  • E coli: <1CFU/100ml
  • Total Nitrogen: 51.1mg/l (27.42%)
  • Phosphorus: 11.6mg/l (6.45%)
Global Certification


Table 2: Approved AWTS (certified to AS1546.3:2008)

Manufacturer / Distributor Model Capacity Comment / Restrictions Approval Expiry Date
Aquarius Wastewater Systems Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: 9240 8545
Aquarius O–3 1800L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with Ozone disinfection and Alum dosing.
Nutrient reduction capability: N reduced to <10mg/L. &  P reduced to < 1mg/L as per certification Global Certification (No.3170) to AS1546.3:2008
Global Certification
No. 3170



Aquarius O–2 1800L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System without disinfection and Alum dosing certified to AS1546.3:2008.
Aquarius O–2 NR 1800L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System without  disinfection, with Alum dosing.
Nutrient reduction capability: N reduced to <10mg/L. &  P reduced to < 1mg/L as per Global Certification (No.3170) to AS1546.3:2008
Biolytix Ltd (external site)
WA Distributor:
Water installations: 9295 6263
BF6 - Mark 2 1600L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System without disinfection, certified to AS1546.3:2008 SMK40499


Jowa Group Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: 8381 9100

WA Distributors:
Greg Browden: 0401 967 330

Biocycle BIO-7000 1500L/day


Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, certified to AS1546.3:2008 SMKH20266


Suncoast Waste Water Management (external site)>

Phone: 1800 450 767
Ozzi Kleen RP-10 2000L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection, certified to AS1546.3:2008 SMK02608


Ozzi Kleen RP-10A+ 2000L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with Chlorine disinfection and Alum dosing, certified to AS1546.3:2008
Taylex Australia Pty Ltd (external site)
Phone: 1300 TAYLEX (1300 829539)
Taylex ABS 10EP
(Concrete and plastic)
2000L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with some Nitrogen and Phosphorus reduction and 3 monthly service achieving the following average results tested to AS1546.3:2008 (% reduction):
Total Phosphorus: 2.5 mg/L (84.67%)
Total Nitrogen: 24.9 mg/L (53.71)
Global Certification

040/8 & 040/10


Taylex ABS 8EP
(Concrete and plastic)
1200L/day Aerated Wastewater Treatment System with some Nitrogen and Phosphorus reduction and 3 monthly service achieving the following average results tested to AS1546.3:2008 (% reduction):

Total Phosphorus: 2.5 mg/L (84.67%)
Total Nitrogen: 24.9 mg/L (53.71)

Table 3: Systems assessed and not approved or approval withdrawn

Manufacturer Model Reason not approved / Further information
AWTS Maintenance Services Pty Ltd (WA Supplier Ebenzer Water) Envirocycle 10 NR Department of Health product approval expired 14 February 2011.
Aquarius Wastewater Systems Pty Ltd  Aquarius O-2NR 4kL, O-2 4kL & O-3 4KL Certification is not provided as of 31 March 2023
Biomax Pty Ltd C20 or C2.6 KL
Certification is not provided as of 31 March 2023
P10-M  Department of Health product approval expired 27 January 2011. 
BioSystems 2000 Pty Ltd Biosystem 2000 Certification is not provided as of 1 July 2015.

Clearwater Domestic Sewage (WA Supplier Galvin Concrete & Sheetmetal Pty Ltd)

Clearwater 90 Compact  Certification is not provided as of 1 July 2015. 
Earthsafe Environmental Pty Ltd Earthsafe Environmental Certification SMKH20612 is not available online.
Everhard (WA Supplier Allied Pumps) Everhard Aqua-Nova 2000 Model 80100  Certification is not provided as of 31 March 2023. 
Fuji Clean Australia Pty Ltd CE1200 Certification is not provided as of 1 July 2015.
CRX1500  Department of Health product approval expired 9 December 2014.
CE1500EX  Department of Health product approval expired 9 May 2021.
CE4200 or CE-21
Certification is not provided as of 31 March 2023
Global Roto-Moulding Pty Ltd
UBI Aqua 6000L
Certification is not provided as of 10 May 2022.
Icon-Septech Pty Ltd Septech Turbojet 2000 Company liquidated. For further information, visit:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (external site). Systems that have been purchased on or before 27 June 2016 may still be installed.
Jowa Group Pty Ltd Biocycle 5800 Certification not provided as of 1 July 2015.
Kingspan Water and Energy Pty Ltd
Bioficient Series 1
Certification expired 22 November 2023 and no longer manufactured
Krystal Kleer  ADV5000  Certification not provided as of 21 August 2017.
Magnesium Tech PL  Magnesium DMS Certification not provided as of 31 July 2017. 

Orenco (WA Supplier Innoflow)

AX-20  Department of Health product approval expired 1 September 2014.
Ozzie Kleen SK20  Certification not provided as of 31 July 2023. 
RP10S and RP10S+  Application pending.  
Taylex Australia Pty Ltd Taylex DMS  Certification not provided as of 31 July 2017.
Water Gurus Pty Ltd Novaclear Company liquidated. For further information, visit:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (external site)
Graf Australia Pty Ltd 

Graf E-Pro 15-1
Graf E-Pro  15-1C
Graf E-Pro 15-1 PAC
Graf E-Pro 15-2
Graf E-Pro 15-2C
Graf E-Pro 15-2 PAC
Graf E-Pro 15-3
Graf E-Pro 15-3+O
Graf E-Pro 15-3 PAC

Certification expired 26 October 2024. Spare parts and field services for the existing products through Wastewater division and Aquarius Wastewater Systems PL.

More information

Environmental Health Directorate
Department of Health
Telephone: 9222 2000

Last reviewed: 27-03-2023
Produced by

Environmental Health Directorate