Infrastructure (Asset Management)
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Policy framework statement
The Infrastructure (Asset Management) Policy Framework specifies the infrastructure asset planning, asset procurement, asset operation and maintenance, and asset disposal requirements that all Health Service Providers (HSPs) must comply with in order to ensure effective and consistent asset management functions across the WA health system.
The purpose of this policy framework is to ensure:
- good governance in asset management
- accountability and transparency of the financial management of asset management
- projects are delivered with scope, cost and time parameters and to the specified quality
- effective and efficient service delivery solutions
- consideration of lifecycle costings to ensure long term sustainability of each asset
- effective project and service risk management strategies
- accuracy, timeliness and completeness of information
- compliance with the WA Government’s legislative and policy requirements.
This policy framework is binding on each HSP to which it applies or relates.
The key principles that underpin this policy framework are:
Accountability, Transparency and Performance Focussed
Responsible and accountable use of financial resources, with the ability to explain decisions and actions to external reviewers, as well as document and report on the management of resources, in a clear, consistent and accurate manner.
Asset Management is considered in the context of:
Asset lifecycle.
- Asset prioritisation based on the operating imperatives across the WA health system. This by nature means that reprioritisation becomes a key consideration for future asset planning.
- Future proofing of assets to ensure opportunities to extend the operating life of assets by anticipating changes in patterns of use or growth in demand, thereby creating flexibility and the potential to add capacity. This allows for continued technological evolution.
- Strategic Asset Planning to provide a framework for future and current assets, with the involvement of all the key enablers of the WA health system. This includes ICT, procurement, finance, facilities management and governance with consideration of the long term lifecycle costs.
- Sustainability to ensure - the performance of assets is optimised in terms of their capacity to support service delivery. Asset management decisions do not compromise the long-term financial sustainability across the WA health system.
Holistic and Strategic
Asset management decision-making will take a holistic and strategic approach in relation to asset development, procurement, maintenance and disposal. Patient care, service delivery and safety are always at the core of this decision-making process.
The use of funds and resources in the management of assets to support service delivery objectives is consistent with achieving value for money for whole-of-government service delivery.
Legislative context
This policy framework is made pursuant to ss 26(2)(d) of the Health Services Act 2016.
The Health Services Act 2016 refers to policy frameworks in ss. 26-27 and s. 34(2)(c). Other relevant parts in the Act that relate specifically to this policy framework include ss. 34(2)(i), 36(3)(a) and 37-39.
The legislation below, may also apply:
Building Act 2011
- Building Services (Registration) Act 2011
- Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011
- Financial Management Act 2006
- Public Works Act 1902
- Planning and Development Act 2005
- Treasurer’s Instructions
- Work Health and Safety Act 2020
- Procurement Act 2020.
Mandatory requirements
Under this policy framework HSPs must comply with all mandatory requirements* including:
^This internal document can be made available on request.
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This policy framework will be reviewed as required to ensure relevance and recency. At a minimum this policy framework will be reviewed within two years after first issue and at least every three years thereafter.
Version |
Effective from |
Amendment(s) |
14. |
20 February 2025 |
Amendment to MP 0092/18 Land and Property Management Policy. Amendments include: Policy requirement 3.7 Due-Diligence final bullet point refined and updated in relation to market valuation prior to entering into contracts that involve acquisitions or disposals. Policy requirement 3.14 Taxation section refined. |
13. |
18 December 2024 |
Amendment to MP 0179/23 Medical Equipment and Imaging Replacement Program Policy. Amendment includes Supporting Information document: ‘Medical Equipment and Imaging Replacement Program Guidelines’ updated to align with the updated WA Health Financial Management Manual. |
12. |
17 December 2024 |
Policy review and amendments to MP 0092/18 Land and Property Management Policy. Amendments include the following: Purpose section updated and refined for clarity; Applicability section updated from HSP only to WA health entities and inclusion of he contracted health entitles statement; Policy requirements updated for relevance and contemporary land and property management practice; Related documents: removal of the following: Land and Property Acquisition Procedure, Land and Property Disposal Procedure, Leasing-In Procedure and Leasing-Out Procedure; Supporting Information: removal of WA Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015-2030 and Implementation Guide for the WA Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Framework 2015-2030; Definitions section: Inclusion of definitions for 'WA health entity, Health Property, Legal Advice, Health Services (s37 Exemption Order) 2023, Orders, Promptly, Property, Property acquisition, System Manager, Valuations, and WA Health System. Removal of definitions for leasing in, leasing out, WA Health Strategic Asset Plan, HSP Strategic Asset Plan and Policy contact updated to reflect updated policy owner unit. |
11. |
11 January 2024 |
Policy review and amendments to MP 0109/19 Strategic Asset Plan Policy. Amendments include the following: Title amended from Asset Management: Strategic Asset Plan Policy to Strategic Asset Plan Policy; Purpose section amended to create a distinction between planning and funding mechanisms; Policy requirements section amended to streamline requirements and rename the governance body; Compliance monitoring section amended to align with policy requirements; Related documents section amended to include the Strategic Asset Plan Template and Strategic Asset Plan Timeline; Supporting information section amended an removal of the Strategic Asset Plan Template and WA health system Strategic Asset Plan 2019-2029. Inclusion of Government of WA Department of Treasury Strategic Asset Managment Framework Policy, Strategic Asset Plan, Guidelines and Template; Definitions amended to remover terms no longer referenced in the policy; Policy contact section updated to reflect the change of Directorate. |
10. |
2 August 2023 |
New mandatory policy: MP 0179/23 Medical Equipment and Imaging Replacement Program Policy. This policy is a capital works program that provides funding to Health Service Providers (HSPs) and the Department of Health (the Department) for the replacement of medical and imaging equipment that have exceeded its useful life or is not fit for purpose. The aim of the policy is to have the right medical and imaging equipment at the right time and the right place to deliver a safe and high-level patient care. The policy is applicable to HSPs and the Department. |
9. |
21 March 2023 |
Amendments to the Infrastructure Policy Framework legislative context section: removal of Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984, State Supply Commission Act 1991 and Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cwlth). Inclusion of the following legislation: Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and Procurement Act 2020. |
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22 February 2023 |
Policy review and major amendment to MP 0110/19 Management of Medical Equipment Policy. Includes the following: updated information provided in the Policy Requirements and Compliance Monitoring sections; definitions for 'Assets', 'Refurbished medical equipment' and 'WA health system' included in the Definitions section and removal of the Medical Equipment Management Reporting Template and inclusion of the MEMWG Terms of Reference in the Related Documents section. |
7 |
17 August 2022 |
Infrastructure (Asset Management) Policy Framework - policy framework custodian amended from Assistant Director General to Deputy Director General. |
6 |
25 August 2021
Infrastructure (Asset Management) Policy Framework - updated broken hyperlinks on landing page, under Mandatory Requirements.
5 |
16 February 2021
Rescind OD 0604/15 and OD 0654/16.
4 |
24 June 2019
New MP 0109/19 Asset Management: Strategic Asset Plan Policy and MP 0110/19 Management of Medical Equipment Policy.
3 |
20 Sept 2018
New MP 0092/18 Land and Property Management Policy. Rescind MP 0052/17 Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy.
2 |
24 May 2017
New MP 0052/17 Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy.
1 |
1 July 2016 |
Original version |
This policy framework has been approved and issued by the Director General of the Department of Health as the System Manager.
Approval by | Dr D.J. Russell-Weisz, Director General, Department of Health |
Approval date | 01 July 2017 |
Date published | 20 September 2018 |
File number | F-AA-40151 |
This policy framework is binding on those to whom it applies or relates. Implementation at a local level will be subject to audit.
Glossary of terms
Term |
Meaning |
Applicability |
Under Section 26 of the Health Services Act 2016, policy frameworks may apply to:
- All Health Service Providers
- A type of public health service facility
- A type of public health service
- A type of staff member of a health service provider.
Health Service Provider |
Means a Health Service Provider established by an order made under section 32(1)(b) of the Health Services Act 2016. |
WA Health system |
Pursuant to section 19(1) of the Health Services Act 2016, means the Department of Health, Health Service Providers and to the extent that Contracted Health Entities provide health services to the State, the Contracted Health Entities. |