Nurse Midwife to Patient Ratios Policy

Applicable to: This policy is applicable to all NMHS wards/units classified as metropolitan adult inpatient medical/surgical.

DescriptionNurse/Midwife to Patient Ratios (NMTPR) are the proportion of Nurses/Midwives working on a ward or unit in relation to the number of patients they care for. The purpose of the Nurse/Midwife to Patient Ratios Policy (policy) is to outline the approach to implementing NMTPR across Health Service Providers (HSPs) that provide inpatient clinical care services. This includes prescribing the mandatory minimum requirements for staffing levels specific to the care delivered.

Consistent with the registration of the WA Health System – Australian Nursing Federation – Registered Nurses, Midwives, Enrolled (Mental Health) and Enrolled (Mothercraft) Nurses – Industrial Agreement 2022 (Agreement), WA health is committed to transitioning to the NMTPR model within the WA health system.

NMTPR will be implemented in a phased approach across WA health system inpatient services. Only clinical care areas in phase one of the transition (medical and surgical wards at North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS)) are bound by this policy. All other clinical care areas remain on Nursing Hours per Patient Day methodology the WA health system has utilised since 2002, until their transition phase commences, at which time this policy will be updated accordingly.

This policy is not applicable to:

  • Assistants in Nursing (AINs).
  • Nurses/Midwives not delivering direct care to patients, with the exception of the hands free shift coordinator (HFSC).

This policy is a mandatory requirement for Health Service Providers under the Clinical Services Planning and Programs Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(c) of the Health Services Act 2016.

Date of effect: 30 September 2024

Policy Framework

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