Review of Death Policy
MP 0098/18 - Review of Death Policy (pdf 185KB)
Applicable to: This policy is applicable to WA health entities, excluding Health Support Services.
Description: The purpose of the Review of Death Policy (this policy) is to ensure a consistent approach to the review of death process across the WA health system. It outlines the minimum requirements for the recording and review of patient deaths, to identify:
a. potentially preventable deaths
b. opportunities for improvement in the delivery of health services, including the quality of end-of-life care.
This policy is a mandatory requirement for Health Service Providers under the Clinical Governance, Safety and Quality Policy Framework pursuant to section 26(2)(l) of the Health Services Act 2016.
This policy is a mandatory requirement for the Department of Health pursuant to section 29 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with MP 0122/19 Clinical Incident Management Policy.
Date of effect: 01 January 2019
Policy Framework
Clinical Governance, Safety and Quality
Death-in-Hospital-Form (pdf 116KB)
Review-of-Death-Reporting-Template-HSP-and-DoH (xlsx 48KB)
Review-of-Death-Reporting-Template-private-health-facilities-and-contracted-health-entities (xlsx 48KB)
Review-of-Death-Guideline (pdf 471KB)