Healthy living

Influenza (flu) vaccine

  • Influenza (flu) is a common, highly contagious virus that affects the lungs and airways. The virus can cause a mild to serious illness and even death in young children, older adults and vulnerable people.
  • Immunisation is safe, effective and the best way you can protect yourself and those around you against the flu.
  • Seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over.
  • Timing is important – get the influenza vaccine in the cooler months between April and September.
Who should get the vaccine?

Immunisation against seasonal influenza is recommended for everyone aged from 6 months and over.

Influenza can have severe consequences for vulnerable people and put extra pressure on health systems, especially when hospitals are at their busiest.

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect yourself and others from serious influenza-related illnesses. By getting vaccinated against influenza, you can also help protect people who are too sick or too young to be vaccinated. The more people vaccinated, the less chance there is of influenza spreading.

People at higher risk of serious influenza illness can receive a free influenza vaccine, including:

  • Aboriginal people 6 months and over
  • children aged 6 months to primary school Year 6
  • people aged 6 months or over who have medical conditions such as:
    • heart disease
    • kidney disease
    • chronic respiratory conditions
    • chronic illnesses that required regular medical attention or hospitalisation in the previous year
    • chronic neurological conditions
    • immunocompromising conditions
    • haematological disorders
    • diabetes and other metabolic disorders
    • children aged 6 months to 10 years receiving long-term aspirin therapy
  • pregnant people (at any stage of pregnancy)
  • people aged 65 years and older
  • vulnerable people aged 6 months and over, including:
    • people experiencing housing instability
    • residents in group living settings, such as residential aged care, disability care, mental health hostels and youth group houses.

Note: The influenza vaccine is free for the above at-risk groups, however patients may be charged a consultation fee. Please check the cost when making an appointment.

Influenza vaccination is also recommended for people who:

Those with increased risk are sometimes recommended to have 2 doses of the influenza vaccine within the space of a year. Please check with your immunisation provider to find out whether this applies to you.

Where to get the seasonal influenza vaccine

The influenza vaccine is available from community immunisation clinics and participating GPs (general practice), community pharmacies and Aboriginal Medical Services. 

Workplaces may also provide influenza vaccination programs for their staff.

When to get the seasonal influenza vaccine

The best time to get the influenza vaccine is before influenza season in April or May. You can get the influenza vaccine at any time during the influenza season, which is generally June to September.

After receiving your immunisation, it can take up to 2 weeks for your body to develop immunity and protect you from influenza.

While the highest level of protection is in the first 3 to 4 months, it is never too late to get vaccinated as influenza can be present in the community all year.

How the influenza vaccine works

Influenza viruses change their structure every year. This means that even if you had influenza or the seasonal influenza vaccine last year, your immune system might not be able to fight the new strain of the virus this year.

Each year, a new seasonal influenza vaccine is developed and made available to ensure people are protected against the most recent and common strains. The vaccine includes protection against 4 strains of influenza viruses. The Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee determines the formulation of the influenza vaccines used in Australia each year, based on recommendations from the World Health Organization.

You cannot get influenza from having the vaccine as it does not contain the influenza virus. However, it is possible to be exposed to influenza shortly before getting your immunisation or during the 2-week period when your body is still developing immune protection. This exposure may result in catching influenza before the vaccine takes effect.

People may also mistake symptoms of other viruses for influenza symptoms. The influenza vaccine only protects against the influenza virus, not other illnesses.

Influenza vaccine during pregnancy

Influenza can cause serious complications in pregnant people, affecting the unborn baby. Changes to immune, heart and lung functions during pregnancy increase vulnerability to severe influenza-related complications. Immunisation during pregnancy is the only way to protect infants younger than 6 months because babies under this age cannot receive the immunisation. The World Health Organization recommends that pregnant people should receive the highest priority for influenza vaccination.

The influenza vaccine is free during pregnancy and can be given at any time. The best time to get immunised is during the second and third trimesters because this is when serious complications from influenza are more likely to occur. If a pregnancy overlaps 2 influenza seasons and the pregnant person has already received the influenza vaccine in the prior season, it is recommended to also receive the current season’s vaccine later in pregnancy. Although the influenza vaccine is free, please check with your immunisation provider if there are consultation fees.

The influenza vaccine has been given safely to millions of pregnant people worldwide over many years and has not been shown to cause harm to pregnant people or their babies.

Vaccination during pregnancy is the most effective way to protect infants 6 months and younger. The influenza immunisation can safely be given at the same time as the pertussis (whooping cough), RSV, COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccines recommended during pregnancy. For more information, see Immunisation in pregnancy.

Children aged 6 months to primary school Year 6

Children are at higher risk of serious influenza complications. Even children that are normally considered fit and healthy can become seriously ill, with symptoms like convulsions (seizures or fits) and diarrhoea.

Influenza infection and hospitalisation rates are highest among children. Most childhood influenza-related hospitalisations and deaths occur in children without underlying medical conditions.

For eligible children, the influenza vaccine is safe, strongly recommended and free (please check with your immunisation provider if there are consultation fees). Children who have not previously had an influenza vaccine are recommended to receive 2 doses of influenza vaccines at least 4 weeks apart. This maximises the immune response to all influenza virus strains

You can also find further information about the recommended routine childhood immunisations and diseases they protect against by checking the WA childhood immunisation schedule.

People aged 65 years and over

People aged 65 years and over are at a higher risk of becoming very unwell from influenza compared to other healthy adults. It is strongly recommended people in this age group get immunised against the influenza every year. Even those who are relatively healthy and rarely get sick are advised to get vaccinated.

After receiving your immunisation, it can take up to 2 weeks for your body to develop immunity and protect you from influenza.

A free influenza vaccine is available specifically for people aged 65 years and over. This vaccine is designed to increase the immune system’s response among older adults, who typically have a weaker response to immunisation.

The influenza vaccine pre-vaccination checklist

Before receiving the influenza vaccine, your immunisation provider will go through a pre-screening checklist with you. Make sure to tell them if you (or your child):

  • is unwell (with a temperature over 38.5°C)
  • has had a serious reaction to any vaccine
  • has a severe allergy to anything
  • is under 6 months of age, or
  • has had Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).

People with a history of GBS have an increased likelihood of developing GBS again, and the chance of them coincidentally developing the syndrome following influenza vaccination may be higher than those with no history of GBS. Diagnosis of GBS is complex and must be made by a specialist.

The only reason not to have an influenza vaccine is following a severe (anaphylactic) reaction to a previous dose of influenza vaccine, or to any component of any vaccine. Allergic reactions to influenza vaccines are very rare.

Your immunisation provider will help you decide whether the vaccine is recommended for you.

Vaccine safety

All vaccines available in Australia pass strict safety testing before being approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (external site). AusVaxSafety is a national program that monitors the type and rate of reactions to each year's new influenza vaccine. Visit AusVaxSafety for more information (external site).

People with an egg allergy, including anaphylaxis, can be safely vaccinated with influenza vaccines that have less than 1 microgram of residual egg protein per dose.

Learn more about vaccination safety.

Potential side effects

Some people experience common reactions such as pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, mild fever, muscle aches and/or drowsiness. Specific treatment is not usually required.

Any medicine, including the influenza vaccine, can have potentially serious side effects, such as severe allergic reaction. However, the risk of this is extremely small.

Learn more about the possible side effects of vaccination and how to manage them.

When to seek help

Serious reactions, like allergic reactions, are extremely rare. If you have a reaction that is unexpected, or if you are unsure, consult with your immunisation provider.

If you believe your reaction is severe or life-threatening you should call triple zero (000) for an ambulance or go to your closest emergency department.

Concerns about side effects

Any reactions causing concern, whether minor or serious, should be reported to the Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) system (external site).

The WAVSS system is the central reporting service in WA for any significant adverse events following immunisation.

If you have experienced an adverse event (reaction) to a vaccine report it:

Your immunisation provider such as your doctor (GP) or other health professional should report all suspected significant reactions, but you can also make a report.

Where to get help

More information

Last reviewed: 25-03-2025

Public Health

This publication is provided for education and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice from your healthcare professional. Readers should note that over time currency and completeness of the information may change. All users should seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional for a diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.

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