Aboriginal workforce

WA Health is committed to building a sustainable, skilled Aboriginal health workforce from entry level to leadership roles. Growing the Aboriginal workforce is an integral part in the delivery of culturally safe health services for Aboriginal people in Western Australia. WA Health is also committed to achieving a culturally respectful and non-discriminatory workplace for Aboriginal employees to improve retention of existing staff.

Currently, Aboriginal people are greatly under-represented in the WA health workforce and the recruitment of Aboriginal staff across all levels is a priority for WA Health. WA Health is working towards an Aboriginal workforce target of 3.2 per cent by 2026.

Until WA Health reaches this target, the recruitment of Aboriginal staff will remain a priority for WA Health. This is being achieved through a range of strategies and initiatives including:

Interested in working at WA Health? Visit our Aboriginal Careers page for more information.

Last reviewed: 01-05-2024
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Aboriginal Health